THE FUNNY FROM MORNING SEDITION AND THE MARC MARON SHOWThe follwing bits come courtey of Joseph D. Al-Qaeda News (Mike Ferrucci
& Barry Lank) September 30, 2005 Debut Broadcast—They Speak
Out Against the Castrating Witch Lindi England October 12, 2005 CIA Leak Scooter Libby is Al-Qaeda’s
Feel-Good Story of the Week, Reports on the [Upcoming] London Bombing,
and a Few Minutes with Osama Bin Rooney November 2, 2005 All U.S. Leaders are Criminals,
Ester-J, and…Harriet Miers is a Woman? December 14, 2005 A Special Holiday Edition,
with Holiday Packing Tips and Blow Me Up Elmo April 27, 2006 The United States, Iran and
Israel are in a Nuclear Standoff May 26, 2006 A Guest Appearance by Osama
Bin Laden June 12, 2006 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Has Been
Killed…is That Good News or Bad News? June 22, 2006 Mohammed and Mahmoud React
to Reports of Al-Qaeda’s Plans to Release Poison Gas in the NYC Subway
System; They Look Back Fondly on Their Time in a New York Terrorist
Cell July 14, 2006 The Al-Qaeda News Hollywood
Minute Angus McFarquhar (Kent Jones) September 20, 2005 Reporting Live from Glasgow,
Angus Makes His Debut While Responding to a UN Report That Named Scotland
as the Most Violent Country in the World, but Fails to Diffuse the Stereotype September 30, 2005 Reporting Live from Tehran,
Angus Covers the Protests Against the European Union’s Decision to
Try to Send Iran’s Nuclear Case to the UN’s Security Council, and
Gets Into a Brawl with a Nancy Protestor October 4, 2005 Reporting Live from Luxembourg,
Angus Interviews the European Union Ambassador to Austria About His
Nation’s Reluctance to Extend EU Membership to Turkey…with His Fists October 12, 2005 Reporting Live from Kyrgyzstan,
Angus Offers His Thoughts on Condoleezza Rice’s Meeting with Kyrgyz
Leaders Over the Long-Term Rights to Maintain a U.S. Military Airbase,
and Gets Into a Swedge with Some Wanker Cops November 8, 2005 Reporting Live from Paris,
a Gubbed Angus Discusses the Paris Riots and Gets Into a Scuffle with
Some Lads Throwing Bricks November 15, 2005 Reporting Live from Brussels,
Angus Laments How, While the Paris Riots Have Spread to Belgium, the
Violence Pales in Comparison to the Action in France November 22, 2005 Reporting Live from Alexandria,
Angus Discusses the Wave of Violence Between Egypt’s Authoritarian
National Democratic Party and the Muslim Brotherhood Over the Paramilitary
Elections November 30, 2005 Reporting Live from Rome, a
Pished Angus Decries the Lack of Violence on Behalf of the Eighty Thousand
Italian Workers on Strike Who are Protesting Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s
Spending Cuts in the Proposed 2006 Budget December 13, 2005 Reporting Live from an Undisclosed
Location, Angus Wishes Marc the Best in the Wake of Morning Sedition’s
Cancellation March 2, 2006 Reporting Live from Baghdad,
Angus’ First Appearance on The Marc Maron Show Coincides with
the Escalating Violence Between Sunni and Shitte Factions Following
the Bombing of a Shiite Mosque April 17, 2006 Reporting Live from a Jail
in Kathmandu, a Beaten (and Exhilarated) Angus Recounts the Rioting
Against the Nepalese Panty-Sniffing Autocrat King Gyanendra and His
Anti-Democratic Actions May 10, 2006 Reporting Live from Uttar Pradesh,
a Sweltering Angus Recounts the Conflict Over India’s Union Government
Shutting Off the Electricity During a Heatwave, and the Riot He’s
Attending at the Gates of the Electric Company June 1, 2006 Reporting Live from Kabul,
a Furious Angus Laments Missing the Riots in Afghanistan That Stemmed
from a U.S. Military Truck Crashing Into a Line of Civilian Cars June 14, 2006 Reporting Live from Nuremberg,
Angus Covers the World Cup, as Well as the Potential for Violence as
All of the World Comes Together to Vent Their Barely-Disguised Hostility
in Symbolic Warfare July 11, 2006 In the Wake of The Marc
Maron Show’s Cancellation, a Surprisingly Sedate Angus Calls Marc
from a Camarillo, CA Rest Facility—Where He was Sentenced for a Road
Rage Incident—to Say Goodbye…Again Ask Dr. Maron (Marc Maron) October 8, 2007 See Brian from Everett MP3
for this date. October 9, 2007 Ask Dr. Maron for October 9,
2007 Brendan McDonald July 27, 2004 The “Talk About the Issues”
Guy #1 August 13, 2004 The “Talk About the Issues”
Guy #2 September 24, 2004 Tom Brokaw’s Interview with
Iyad Allawi September 29, 2004 Michael Dare, Insurgent Hunter October 21, 2004 The Peanut Diaries #1—Brendan
Announces That He’s Overcome His Childhood Peanut Allergy November 18, 2004 The Peanut Diaries #2—Brendan’s
Recounts His Struggle to Overcome His Peanut Allergy November 23, 2004 The Peanut Diaries #3—Brendan’s
Peanut-Related Thanksgiving December 2, 2004 The Peanut Diaries #4—Brendan
Recounts His Peanut-Related Birthday Gifts, and Trying Reese’s Peanut
Butter Cups December 21, 2004 Dave the Republican and the
“Wrestle a Republican” Sketch March 10, 2005 Brendan Reports Live from Louisville,
KY with President Bush’s “Screw Social Security” Tour March 11, 2005 Brendan Reports Live from Memphis,
TN with President Bush’s “Screw Social Security” Tour April 22, 2005 John Bolton Calls Morning
Sedition to Defend Himself Against the Accusations Against Him June 23, 2005 John Bolton Leaves a Series
of Messages on the Unreliable Morning Sedition Answering Machine December 2, 2005 & December 5, 2005 Brendan McDonald Versus the
Toilet Paper Dispenser December 15, 2005 Steve Gilmartin, Part One December 16, 2005 Steve Gilmartin, Part Two May 30, 2008 Bruce the Libertarian Brian from Everett (Brian Cauldwell) December 17, 2004 Early, Pre-Notoriety Call May 26, 2005 Brian Tries to Help Marc with
His Illness; Marc Says He Has an “Inconsistent Mental Disposition” May 31, 2005 The Answering Machine Messages June 1, 2005 “Inconsistent Mental Disposition”
and “Al Franken, King of the Jews” June 7, 2005 Thoughts on Pharmaceutical
Companies, Modern Psychiatry, and Our Inner Jew June 22, 2005 New Morning Sedition
Theme Song July 11, 2005 “Goin’ Down to the Pawn
Shop” July 18, 2005 “Uranus” July 29, 2005 “It’s Go Time!” August 8, 2005 Brian from Everett Reviews
Marc’s Stand-Up Appearance That Weekend August 9, 2005 “There’s a Funny Guy Named
Maron” August 24, 2005 “I Weep for I Have Been Most
Vile” September 15, 2005 “The Hotdogs of Freedom” November 10, 2005 Brian Consoles Marc About His
Getting Fired and Teases His Next Song November 15, 2005 “I Forgive the Jews for Killing
Jesus” December 16, 2005 “Shine On, You Crazy Maron” March 9, 2006 “They See You” March 21, 2006 Brian Suffers from Writer’s
Block March 30, 2006 “Lullabye for Lucifer” October 8, 2007 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Rachel Maddow Show—Ask Dr. Maron & the Return of Brian from
Everett April 9, 2008 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Mike Malloy Show—Marc’s Aphids Problem and Brian’s Near-Death
Experience Bruce Cherry’s Pitch of the Week (Bruce Cherry) July 27, 2005 Bernard the Credulous Pirate August 4, 2005 Corky Throat, Retarded White
House Insider August 18, 2005 Shenanigans, the Clown That
Has Sex with His Dog September 8, 2005 Thylacine September 15, 2005 Homophobic Pixies September 22, 2005 Johnny Gay Street September 29, 2005 Cedric the Ineffectual, King
of Wessex October 7, 2005 Sal Acious, Morning Sedition
Pollster October 14, 2005 Bacchus, God of Wine October 20, 2005 Osama Bin Mallard October 27, 2005 Trevor the Bonobo November 10, 2005 Merle from Pigeonfork November 17, 2005 Johnny Platonic, the Abstinence
Machine December 1, 2005 Patrick, the Flatulent Herring December 8, 2005 The Ghosts of Pitch of the
Week’s Past December 15, 2005 Scoop Dogg April 20, 2006 Nostradumbass May 8, 2006 Yehuda Maron, Legendary Vaudeville
Comic May 26, 2006 A Return Appearance by Cedric
the Ineffectual, King of Wessex June 9, 2006 More Cedric the Ineffectual,
King of Wessex June 22, 2006 A Return Appearance by Merle
from Pigeonfork June 29, 2006 Bruce is Pissed—Someone’s
Editing His Bits July 13, 2006 Abraham Lincoln, Coincidence
Theorist December 19, 2006 A Return Appearance by Yehuda
Maron, Legendary Vaudeville Comic October 9, 2007 Bruce Cherry Promo for Marc
Maron on The Rachel Maddow Show Dead Reagan Monday (Marc Maron,
Mark Riley, and Sue Ellicott) June 7, 2004 Dead Reagan Monday #1—Introduction to Dead Reagan Monday Dead Reagan Monday #2—Astrology, Central America, and the Savings & Loan Scandal Dead Reagan Monday #3—Wayne Gilman on Reagan’s Impact on the American News Media Dead Reagan Monday #4—The Iranian Hostage Crisis, AIDS, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush Dead Reagan Monday #5—Rick Perlstein on Reagan’s Legacy and How His Supporters are Trying to Lionize Him Dead Reagan Monday #6—HUAC and the Hollywood Blacklist; Perfecting the Half-Truth Dead Reagan Monday #7—Reagan’s Legacy vs. Carter’s Legacy; Destroying Affirmative Action and the PATCO Union Dead Reagan Monday #8—Reagan’s Approval Ratings Over the Course of His Presidency Dead Reagan Monday #9—Responding to Dead Reagan Monday’s Critics Dead Reagan Monday #10—Housing
Secretary Samuel Pierce; Jesse Jackson on the Legacy of Ronald Reagan June 8, 2004 Dead Reagan Monday #1—Marc Answers Stupid Listener Email; Reagan’s Funeral and the Media’s Coverage Dead Reagan Monday #2—More Discussion of Reagan’s Legacy Dead Reagan Monday #3—James Galbraith on the Disastrous Legacy of Reaganomics Dead Reagan Monday #4—The National Debt, How Bush and Reagan are Similar, and the AIDS Epidemic Dead Reagan Monday #5—Ketchup
as a Vegetable, the Politicization of Reagan’s Death, and George H.W.
Bush’s Relationship with Him June 9, 2004 Dead Reagan Monday #1—Frank Mankowitz on How He Initially Saw Reagan as a Communist in 1952 Dead Reagan Monday #2—The
Reagan Legacy Project and What They Can Do to Honor Reagan June 11, 2004 Dead Reagan Monday #1—The University of Alaska DJ Who was Suspended for Celebrating Reagan’s Death Dead Reagan Monday #2—More Discussion of Reagan’s Legacy, and How Reagan Didn’t Really End the Cold War Dead Reagan Monday #3—In
the End, Morning Sedition Pauses to Honor a True American Patriot:
Ray Charles December 12, 2005 Great Moments in Morning
Sedition History—Dead Reagan Monday BONUS Excerpts from the Diary of Ronald Reagan #1 Excerpts from the Diary of Ronald Reagan #2 Excerpts from the Diary of Ronald Reagan #3 Excerpts from the Diary of Ronald Reagan #4 Excerpts from the Diary of Ronald Reagan #5 Excerpts from the Diary of
Ronald Reagan #6 Disturbing Environmental News (Jim Earl
& Marc Maron) May 11, 2006 Brought to You by Tyson Foods May 17, 2006 Brought to You by Monsanto May 25, 2006 Brought to You by Ortho Snail
and Slug Pellets June 1, 2006 Brought to You by the American
Meat Institute June 19, 2006 Brought to You by Schlurm July 14, 2006 Brought to You by Freeport
Mining Dream Diary (Marc Maron
& Kent Jones) April 21, 2004 Marc’s an Enemy Combatant
at Guantanamo Bay, and Then He’s a Marine Landing on Miami Beach April 22, 2004 Marc Serves in Vietnam with
John Kerry and John McCain April 23, 2004 Marc’s a Llama at the Neverland
Ranch, and Then Turns Into a Young Boy on the Run from Michael Jackson April 26, 2004 Marc’s at a Shopping Mall,
and Finds a Store Selling Natural Resources April 27, 2004 Marc’s Playing the Harpsichord
in the Royal Court of King Louis XIV…and Bush is the Sun King April 28, 2004 Morning Sedition, with
Marc and Marc and Marc April 28, 2004 Psychologist Nando Pelusi Analyzes
Marc and His Dream Diaries April 29, 2004 Marc Testifies Before the 9/11
Commission with a Chihuahua, and Then He Eats His Forehead April 30, 2004 Marc, Bush, and Cheney are
Gold Prospectors in the Old West, and They Strike It Rich May 3, 2004 Marc’s in the Film Mean
Girls with Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld May 4, 2004 Marc’s a Young Immigrant
on Ellis Island May 5, 2004 Marc’s a Fighter Pilot During
World War II, and Bush is His Co-Pilot May 6, 2004 Marc is a Cast Member on
Friends During the Last Show, and He Desperately Tries to Free Himself May 7, 2004 Marc is Initiated Into Yale’s
Skull and Bones Secret Society May 10, 2004 Marc is Van Helsing, and He
Takes on Cheney-Frankenstein, Cheney-Dracula, and Cheney-Wolf Man May 11, 2004 Aquatic Marc Gives a Commencement
Address at a Graduation Ceremony for a School of Fish May 12, 2004 Marc is a God of the Weather,
but He Still Can Catch a Cold May 13, 2004 Marc is in a White Room, but
is Taken Into Custody by Donald Rumsfeld Disguised as a Snowman May 14, 2004 Marc Goes to Cat Heaven to
See His Late Cat; First Dream Diary Appearance of Dead Cat Butch May 17, 2004 Marc is a Rabbi Officiating
the Gay Wedding of Bush and Cheney May 18, 2004 Marc’s Trapped Inside a Painting
and is Critiqued by Trendy Hipsters May 19, 2004 Marc Washes Ashore on a Tropical
Island, and is Worshipped by Purple Trolls May 20, 2004 Marc’s a Bird Dog for Bush,
Cheney, and Rumsfeld on a Duck Hunting Trip; First Dream Diary
Appearance of Jesus May 21, 2004 Marc’s on The Sopranos,
and Tony Soprano’s Not Amused May 24, 2004 Marc’s a Female Bathroom
Attendant in a Neocon Bathroom May 25, 2004 Marc is Riding His Bike with
President Bush, Who is Attacked by Animals and Falls Off His Bike May 26, 2004 Marc’s a Slick Hollywood
Agent, and He’s Cutting Loose His Client, George W. Bush May 27, 2004 Marc’s a Telemarketer; He
Calls President Bush, Jesus, and Himself May 28, 2004 Marc Gets a Political Baptism
from Al Gore June 1, 2004 Marc’s in High School on
the Last Day of School, but Principal Rumsfeld Won’t Let Him Go June 2, 2004 Marc’s a Slave Building the
Pyramids in Ancient Egypt; Dead Cat Butch Makes a Cameo June 3, 2004 Marc is at a Mark Convention
at the Radisson Hotel June 4, 2004 Marc’s a CIA Spook on a Mission,
but Their Funding Gets Cut Mid-Mission June 7, 2004 Marc’s a Left-Wing Pollster June 8, 2004 A Group of Fussy Liberal Rabbits
Hold an Intervention for Marc June 9, 2004 Marc Finds Himself Surrounded
by Gerald Ford June 10, 2004 Marc is a Waiter at a Five-Star
Restaurant, and He’s Offering a Menu of Bush’s Failed Policies June 14, 2004 Marc is Paris Hilton, and She
Gets a Ride from Some Neocon Rednecks June 15, 2004 Marc’s a Stem Cell, but He’s
for Stem Cell Research June 16, 2004 Marc’s Dead, and He Goes
to Atheist Heaven June 17, 2004 Marc’s Deleting Judgmental,
Stinging Spam from His Computer June 18, 2004 Marc is in Salem, and Cheney
Has Him on Trial for Witchcraft and Heresy on His Radio Show June 21, 2004 Marc’s a Matador in the Arena
Facing Off Against Bush; Dead Cat Butch Makes an Appearance June 22, 2004 Marc is Nude at Stonehenge
During the Summer Solstice at Sunrise, but He Forgot His Wallet June 23, 2004 Marc and Mishna Attend a Faith-Based
Marriage Counseling Session, and They Get a Visit from Jesus June 24, 2004 Marc’s at a Nightclub Surrounded
by Addictive Substances June 25, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Visit
the Political Zoo June 28, 2004 The Neocons Attempt to Cure
Marc of His Liberalism June 29, 2004 Marc’s the Prime Minister
of Iraq, but Halliburton’s Still in Charge June 30, 2004 Marc’s Floating on a Bamboo
Raft in the South Pacific with Saddam Hussein July 2, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Attend
a Fourth of July Parade July 6, 2004 Marc Goes Through Airport Security,
and Talks to Jesus July 7, 2004 Marc’s at a Coyote Bachelor
Party, and John Edwards Pops Out of a Cake July 8, 2004 Marc’s a Southern Sheriff
Who Tries to Arrest Ken Lay July 9, 2004 Marc Performs at Woodstock;
Encounters Dead Cat Butch, Jesus, and 1960s Bush July 12, 2004 Marc Visits the Psychic Madame
Bob July 13, 2004 Marc is Celebrating at Kerry
Headquarters on Election Night, but Bush Postpones the Election July 14, 2004 Marc is a Termite, and Bush
is the Tree July 15, 2004 Marc’s an Elderly Retiree
in Florida, and He Finds Bush and Cheney as Fish Flopping on the Shore July 16, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Rummage
Through the Trash Heap of the American Dream July 19, 2004 Marc’s on Jeopardy
with Ken Jennings and George W. Bush July 20, 2004 Marc is Dick Cheney’s New
Doctor July 21, 2004 Marc is Chased Through TV by
a Bloodthirsty Cheney July 22, 2004 Bush is an Ice Cream Man Selling
Marc Some Neocon Ice Cream July 23, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch are
in the Tour de France, Along with the 2004 Presidential Candidates July 26, 2004 Marc Sees Bill Clinton’s
Elvis-Like Appearance at the Democratic National Convention (Guest Appearance
by Bill from Harlem) July 27, 2004 Marc Watches the Protestors
at the Democratic National Convention, and Gets a Visit by Jesus, Buddha,
Ghandi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. July 28, 2004 Marc Speaks at the Democratic
National Convention, and Jesus Opens for Him July 29, 2004 Marc Visits John Kerry’s
Head July 30, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Visits
the Aftermath of the Democratic National Convention, and They Help Presidents
Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy Clean Up August 2, 2004 Marc Watches the Movie Edwards
and Kerry Go to White Castle August 3, 2004 Marc is Evel Knievel, and He
Needs to Jump Over Obstacles to Win the 2004 Election August 4, 2004 Marc Arrives at Work to Find
That Halliburton Has Bought Air America Radio and Fired Everyone Except
Him; First Appearance of Marc the Shark August 5, 2004 Marc’s Playing Golf at the
Country Club with Tom Ridge August 6, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Rob
a Bank, and Marc is Goaded Into Confronting Bush During a Stump Speech August 9, 2004 Marc’s in His Panic Room
Waiting for the Republican National Convention August 10, 2004 Marc’s a Mountain Goat; He
Watches Ram-Kerry and Ram-Bush Face Off for Supremacy August 11, 2004 Marc is Riding a Tricycle,
and He’s Trying to Outrun an Earthquake Coming Up Behind Him August 12, 2004 Marc is a Barber Trying to
Cut Hair and Give People a President August 13, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch are
in Mexico; Butch Disappears to Train with Mexican Revolutionaries, and
Marc Gets Caught in a Time Loop August 23, 2004 Marc Competes at the Olympics
as a Goalie for the Iraqi Soccer Team August 24, 2004 Marc Attends a Meeting of the
Bush Dirty Task Force in a Boiler Room Under the Pentagon August 25, 2004 Marc Yells at the Fussy Liberal
Rabbits at the Coffee House, and Gets a Visit from John Kerry August 26, 2004 Marc the Shark #2—An Abu
Ghraib Animal House Would Be a Friggin’ Blast, and John Kerry
is a Stupid, Flip-Flopping Liberal August 27, 2004 Dead Cat Butch Gets Ready to
Protest the Republican National Convention August 30, 2004 Marc Performs a Protest Prank
at the Republican National Convention, and Gets Killed in the Process August 31, 2004 Marc is Protesting the 1968
Republican National Convention, and He Runs Into Jesus September 1, 2004 Marc the Shark #3—Live from
the Republican National Convention—Next Time, GOP, Why Don’t You
Hold Your Convention in America? September 2, 2004 Marc is a Rat Living at Madison
Square Garden During the Republican National Convention September 3, 2004 Aftermath of the Republican
National Convention; Marc Bails Dead Cat Butch and the Four Strays Out
of Jail September 7, 2004 Marc is a Correspondent for
the Weather Channel During Hurricane Francis September 8, 2004 Marc the Shark #4—Marc the
Shark on Bill Clinton’s Recent Heart Surgery: You’re Fat,
and You Had Sex with a Fat Girl! September 9, 2004 Marc is Hosting Fight Club
Matches Between Cheney and Edwards, Bush and Kerry September 10, 2004 Marc, Dead Cat Butch, and the
Four Strays Visit Camp David; Butch Snorts Coke with President Bush September 13, 2004 Marc is a Wandering Liberal;
He’s Taken in by Other Outcast Progressives, but is Later Captured
by the Right September 14, 2004 Marc is in a Wheelchair Spying
Into Political Rear Windows September 15, 2004 Marc the Shark #5—Marc the
Shark Celebrates the End of the Assault Weapons Ban, and John Kerry
is a French Fruit September 16, 2004 Gulliver Marc Discovers a Neocon
Lilliput September 17, 2004 Dead Cat Butch Teaches a Class
of Six-Year-Olds the Truth About Life and Education September 20, 2004 Sir Marc, from the Forces of
Kerry, Climbs the Ivory Tower of Nader Supporters to Seek Their Aid September 21, 2004 After Thirty-Two Years, Marc
Wakes Up in a Neocon-Run Future at the Bush Center for the Pacification
of Dangerous Urges September 22, 2004 Marc the Shark #6—Dan Rather,
You’re a Liar, and You’re Old! Also, Bush is Better Than Kerry
Because He Started His Own War to Be a War Hero! September 23, 2004 Marc’s a Translator at the
United Nations, and He’s Trying to Translate President Bush’s Speech
Into Actual English September 24, 2004 Dead Cat Butch Saves the Mother
of the Four Strays from Captivity September 27, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #1 September 28, 2004 Al Franken Confronts Marc About
His Proclivity for Making Fun of Him September 29, 2004 Marc the Shark #7—Marc the
Shark on the Upcoming Debates: John Kerry Should Go Back to France
and Marry His Boyfriend! September 30, 2004 Candidate Marc Appears with
Bush at the Presidential Debate, but It Turns Into a Slapstick Farce October 1, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Attend
the Vote for Change Concert; Butch Attacks Bruce Springsteen October 4, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #2 October 5, 2004 Marc Watches the Vice-Presidential
Debate, Featuring Demonic Cheney Versus Demonic Edwards October 6, 2004 Marc the Shark #8—Cheney
Took Edwards to Abu Ghraib at the Vice-Presidential Debates October 7, 2004 Marc is a Professional Wrestler;
He Takes on a Scrawny Neocon Who Can Replicate October 8, 2004 Marc Takes Dead Cat Butch to
a Psychiatrist October 11, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #3 October 12, 2004 Marc Meets Robert Reich at
the Rim of Mount St. Helens, Who Claims That the Volcano Will Erupt
Due to Emotional Hostility October 13, 2004 Marc the Shark #9—It’s
Time for the Third Presidential Debate, or “Round Three of Spank the
Traitor!” October 14, 2004 Marc 2.0 October 15, 2004 Marc Hosts the Cable News Show
Ball Fire, Tonight Featuring a Guest Panel of Jacques Derrida, Rodney
Dangerfield, and Dead Cat Butch October 18, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #4 October 19, 2004 Marc is a Female Producer at
Fox News, and She’s Trying to Fend Off Bill O’Reilly October 20, 2004 Marc the Shark #10—If People
are So Lazy That They’re Getting Taken Off of Voter Rolls, Then They
Don’t Deserve to Vote! October 21, 2004 The Apocalypse Happens, and
Marc and Dick Cheney are the Last Men Left on Earth October 22, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Go
Door-to-Door Registering Votes October 25, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #5 October 26, 2004 A Group of Republican Thugs
Attempt to Prevent Marc from Voting October 27, 2004 Marc is at the Board of Elections
Trying to Register Jesus October 28, 2004 Marc Performs Bad Stand-Up
to Entertain People Waiting On-Line to Vote October 29, 2004 Marc Goes to Vote with Dead
Cat Butch, and They Must Battle Zombies and Warlock Cheney to Do So November 1, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #6 November 2, 2004 All Progressives are Firemen;
Fireman Marc Encounters a Heroic John Kerry Rescuing a Baby from a Burning
Building November 3, 2004 The Air America Studios are
Flooded with Burning Red Slime, but Wayne Gilman Comes to the Rescue November 4, 2004 A Team of Scientists Prepare
to Surgically Enhance Marc to Make Him the Perfect Visionary to Lead
the Progressive Movement November 5, 2004 Dead Cat Butch and the Four
Strays Prepare to Protest the Election Results by Force November 8, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #7 November 9, 2004 Marc’s in a Steam Room at
the Country Club Talking to the High Rollers About the Election Results November 10, 2004 Marc’s a Racehorse in the
Kentucky Derby; He Loses and Everyone Argues About Why He Lost November 11, 2004 Marc Meets Mack Daddy John
Ashcroft in a Nightclub November 12, 2004 Dead Cat Butch and the Four
Strays “Reeducate” a Non-Voter November 15, 2004 Marc Breaks Up with the 2004
Elections, but They’ll Always Have “Firetruck” November 16, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #8 November 17, 2004 Marc is a CIA Spook with Vital
Information, but Gets Fired by His Boss for Rocking the Boat November 18, 2004 Marc is Visited by Three Men
Who Want Him to Serve in Bush’s Cabinet as the Secretary for the Department
of Blame November 19, 2004 Marc Watches Dead Cat Butch
Gorge Herself at a Four-Star Restaurant November 22, 2004 Marc “Bongos” Maron Performs
His Poetry at the Coffee House #9 November 23, 2004 Marc is a Professional Basketball
Player; He Attacks His Fans When Someone Throws a Cup of Ice on Him November 24, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Attend
the First Thanksgiving, but Butch Unsuccessfully Attempts to Incite
a Riot Among the Indians November 29, 2004 Marc is Beaten Up by Two Giant
M&Ms November 30, 2004 Marc is a Native Bushman in
the Kalahari Who’s Corrupted by an Xbox December 1, 2004 Marc is the Latest Member of
U2, and He Suggests They Use a Song Called “Smack the Azz” December 2, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Visit
the Museum of Modern Art; Butch Critiques the Exhibits December 6, 2004 Steroid Marc Takes Out His
Frustrations on Bush and Ashcroft December 7, 2004 Marc’s a Department Store
Santa, and Has to Listen to Children Asking for Political-Themed Presents December 8, 2004 Marc and Jesus Attend a Jesus
Convention at the Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort December 9, 2004 Marc Attends the Air America
Radio Holiday Party, but Karl Rove’s Spiked the Punch December 10, 2004 Dead Cat Butch Teaches a Sex
Education Class for Junior High School Students December 13, 2004 Marc Encounters a Version of
Himself from Fifteen Years Earlier December 14, 2004 Marc is a Little Drummer Boy
Who Performs at an Unusual Nativity Scene December 15, 2004 Marc is Interviewed for the
Position of Homeland Security Chief December 16, 2004 Marc and Mishna Exchange Holiday
Gifts; She Gives Him a Collection of Tiny Neocons…as Well as Gremlins,
Cobras, and Piranhas to Feed Them To December 17, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Go
Christmas Shopping at K-Mart; Marc is Surprised at How Much Butch Loves
Christmas December 27, 2004 Marc is Howard Hughes!
Germs! December 28, 2004 Marc is at a Night Club Full
of Nasty, Green Neocons Who Melt When Exposed to Daylight December 29, 2004 Marc is a Professional Wrestler
Named the Self-Hater, and He Fights Himself in the Ring December 30, 2004 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Spend
New Year’s Eve in Paris Sitting on the Banks of the Seine River; They
Share a Heart-to-Heart Discussion January 3, 2005 Marc Wakes Up in 2005 Falsely
Believing That It’s 2004, and Writes His New Year’s Resolutions
for That Year January 4, 2005 George Bush and Bill Clinton
Talk About How Immature George W. Bush is…While He’s Standing There January 5, 2005 Marc’s a Football Player
Who Needs to Kick the Field Goal to Win the Orange Bowl, but an Eagle
Takes Off with the Ball January 6, 2005 Marc’s an Accountant for
the GAO Who’s Auditing Bush’s Budget; He Gets to Sample the Delicious
Money Pie January 7, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Interrogates
Alberto Gonzales in an Abandoned Bull Ring January 10, 2005 Marc Hangs Out with a Depressed
and Lonely Brad Pitt at His Malibu Mansion January 11, 2005 Marc’s a New Congressman
on Capitol Hill, and He Gets Initiated Into Congress by Getting Baptized
in a Pool of Gold by Tom DeLay January 12, 2005 Armstrong Williams Hypnotizes
Marc Into Doing Endorsements on Morning Sedition January 13, 2005 Marc Visits His Therapist,
Who Cuts Into His Head and Devours His Brain January 14, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Leads a Cat
Insurrection in Washington D.C. During Bush’s Inaugural Parade January 17, 2005 Marc Visits Geezer’s Palace,
a Casino Where Old People Gamble with Their Social Security Benefits January 18, 2005 Marc’s an Auctioneer Auctioning
Off Items from the Bush Administration’s Estate January 19, 2005 Marc Attends Inauguration Day…So
He Can Take the Oath of Office January 20, 2005 Marc Wanders the Desert Handcuffed
to Another Version of Himself; They Argue About How to “Celebrate”
Inauguration Day January 21, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Hijacks a School
Bus Headed for Bible Camp; She Takes the Children to a Bar and Teaches
Them About Evolution January 24, 2005 Marc Performs at Jimmy Tingle’s
Off Broadway Theater for a Room Full of Terrorists January 25, 2005 Marc Attends an Academy Awards
Ceremony Packed with Marc Marons, and He Wins All of the Awards January 26, 2005 Marc Attends Democratic Boot
Camp with Drill Sergeant Howard Dean January 27, 2005 Marc is a Pizza Delivery Boy,
and He Delivers a Pizza to a Dominatrix Condoleezza Rice January 31, 2005 Marc is in the United Kingdom,
and Tries to Play the Game of Global Empire February 1, 2005 Marc is in a Place of Perfect
Harmony…IKEA February 2, 2005 It’s Groundhog Day, and Marc
is an Embittered Groundhog February 3, 2005 Marc is Fishing, but Various
Animals Tempt Him to Eat Meat; He’s Attacked by Carnivorous Animals
to the Amusement of Jim Earl February 4, 2005 Marc Visits Dead Cat Butch
in Hollywood, and She Casts Him for the Part of Himself in Butch’s
Life Story February 8, 2005 Marc is Rex, King of Mardi
Gras; He’s Attacked by Pirate Cheney During the Parade February 9, 2005 Marc is Attacked by Government
Goons Who Strip His Carcass Down to Pay for Bush’s Budget Cuts February 10, 2005 Marc is in a Secret Cloning
Lab, Where Scientists Have Created Variations of the Marc Maron Archetype February 11, 2005 Marc Discovers That Dead Cat
Butch is a General in a Secret Organization of Cats Bent of World Domination February 15, 2005 Marc Meets a Series of Saffron-Related
Figures in Central Park, and Each One Has an Interpretation of Christo’s
Art Installation The Gates February 16, 2005 In a Future Dystopian America,
a 140-Year-Old Marc Reflects on His Bush-Tainted Nation February 17, 2005 Marc Breaks Down and Buys an
iPod, Which Begins to Tempt Him to “Tune Out” February 18, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Attempts to
Bring the Gift of Pleasure to Iraq, and Nearly Gets Herself and Marc
Killed February 21, 2005 Marc is a NASCAR Driver—Driving
“The Liberal Lightning”—and Races Against Dick Cheney February 22, 2005 Marc Organizes a Meeting of
Liberals to Plan for 2008, but They Get Nothing Done February 23, 2005 Marc Visits an Elderly Franklin
D. Roosevelt at a Nursing Home February 24, 2005 Marc Visits the Galápagos
Islands, Talks Evolution with Darwin, and Sees Other Species of Marc
Maron February 25, 2005 Marc Drives Through the Desert
in a Red Cadillac with Dead Cat Butch and Hunter S. Thompson February 28, 2005 Marc is at the Academy Awards,
but It Gets Interrupted by Hollywood’s Annual Secret Agenda Meeting March 1, 2005 Marc’s iPod Tempts Him to
“Tune Out” at the Gym March 2, 2005 Marc is Surfing Off the Shore
of Awaho with Howard Dean; They’re Attacked by Sea Monster Cheney March 3, 2005 Marc is a Sheep Farmer, and
He Needs to Save His Sheep from a Coyote Trying to Feed Them the Luntz
Memo March 4, 2005 In an Attempt to Reach Out
to Red State America, Dead Cat Butch Stages an Orgy at a Topeka Mall March 7, 2005 Moses Marc Attempts to Receive
the Ten Commandments from a Stoned God March 8, 2005 Marc’s iPod Tempts Him to
“Tune Out” on a Flight to Los Angeles March 9, 2005 Marc is Attending a Meeting
of the Fussy Liberal Rabbits, Who Critique His Work on Morning Sedition March 10, 2005 Jesus Tries to Hold the Second
Coming, but Gets Spooked and Hides Out in Marc’s Apartment March 11, 2005 Marc is in Alaska for the Iditarod
Trail Sled Dog Race, but Dead Cat Butch Wins the Race with Her Cat Sled
and by Drugging the Dogs with Ecstasy March 14, 2005 Marc Arrives Late for a Play,
Endures Abuse, and Sees the Corpulent Buddha Marc March 15, 2005 Marc is Carjacked by His Wife’s
iPod in Los Angeles, and He’s Forced to “Tune Out” and Go Shopping
for New Clothes March 16, 2005 Marc is a Liberal Trapped on
the Planet of Neocon Apes March 17, 2005 Marc is Dying in an Ambulance;
He Strikes a Deal with a Death Clown to Come Back to Life March 18, 2005 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Attend
the St. Patrick’s Day Parade; Butch Arranges a Special Float Complete
with Filthy Cat Sex March 28, 2005 Marc’s Back from Vacation,
but Unwittingly Becomes a Guest on The Jerry Springer Show March 29, 2005 Marc’s iPod Tempts Him to
“Tune Out” on the Subway March 30, 2005 Marc’s an Incoherent, Bearded,
Rattlesnake Handling, Loincloth-Wearing Religious Nut March 31, 2005 It’s One Year Ago, and Marc
Relives His First Day on Air America Radio April 1, 2005 The Dream Diary Origin
of Dead Cat Butch April 4, 2005 Marc Meets with Himself as
a Mortician, and Mortician Marc Writes Up the Contract for His Impending
Death April 5, 2005 Marc’s iPod Tempts Him to
“Tune Out” at the DMV April 6, 2005 Marc is Approached by the College
of Cardinals, Who’s Elected Him to Be the New Pope April 7, 2005 Marc Gets Into a Cab and Discovers
That Jesus is the Driver; They Go Out for Coffee and Discuss Current
Events April 8, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Stages a Protest
Orgy at the Funeral of Pope John Paul II April 11, 2005 Marc Arrives at the Air America
Studios Only to Find Out That His Job Has Been Outsourced to India April 12, 2005 Marc’s iPod Tempts Him to
“Tune Out” While Waiting in Line at a Movie Theater April 13, 2005 Marc is an Attraction at a
Carnival Freak Show, Where He Throws His Poop at the Audience April 14, 2005 Marc is at a Bar with a Demonic
Dan Pashman, Who Tricks Him Into Falling Off the Wagon April 15, 2005 Marc Discovers Dead Cat Butch
Interrogating Tom DeLay April 18, 2005 Marc Meets Palm Beach Marc,
Who Married a Rich Widow, Inherited Her Money, and is Now a Rich Prick April 19, 2005 Marc’s iPod Tempts Him to
“Tune Out” While Waiting in Line at an ATM April 20, 2005 It’s 1978, and Ted Nugent
Takes a 14-Year-Old Marc Hunting After a Concert April 21, 2005 Marc and Jesus Eat at a Diner,
Where They Talk About the Election of the New Pope April 22, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Stages a Bloody
Protest at the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge April 25, 2005 Marc is Trapped at a Steel
Cage at a Kentucky Megachurch for Justice Sunday April 26, 2005 Marc’s iPod Tempts Him to
“Tune Out” at an All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet April 27, 2005 Marc Meets Jesus for Coffee,
and is Introduced to His “Partner” Jeffrey April 29, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Unites the Feral
Cats of Wisconsin Against the Hunters Who Would Hunt Them May 2, 2005 Marc Comes Home to Find Himself
Married to Six Women—a Passive-Aggressive One, a Jealous One, a Depressed
One, a Secret Drinker, a Lesbian, and Mishna May 3, 2005 Marc’s iPod Talks Him Out
of Committing Suicide May 6, 2005 Dead Cat Butch and Her Cat
Army Take Over PBS and Greenlight a Bunch of New Shows May 10, 2005 Marc is Sitting Alone in His
Cincinnati Hotel Room When He’s Suddenly Welcomed by the City May 12, 2005 Marc’s iPod Forces Him to
“Tune Out” and Buy Stuff Online May 13, 2005 In an Attempt to Save the Filibuster,
Marc and Dead Cat Butch Abduct Bill Frist May 17, 2005 Marc Visits the Magical World
of Meat May 19, 2005 Marc’s iPod Forces Him to
“Tune Out” and Buy an Herbal Supplement from a Telemarketer May 20, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Stages an Orgy
in a Movie Theater Showing the Latest Star Wars Movie May 24, 2005 Marc Takes a Fantastic Voyage
Into His Body to Remove the Congestion from His Chest May 27, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Kidnaps James
Dobson, and Attempts to “Convert” Him to Homosexuality June 3, 2005 Live from City Bakery, Dead
Cat Butch Takes Over the Morning Sedition Broadcast and Drugs
the Crowd with Ecstasy-Loaded Pastry June 10, 2005 Live from the Strand Bookstore,
Dead Cat Butch Takes Over Morning Sedition Again, and Reads Passages
from Tropic of Cancer, Naked Lunch, and 120 Days of
Sodom June 21, 2005 Marc is Chased by a Bloody
Mad Cow and Encounters Zombies; His Body Transforms Into Vegetables July 8, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Interrogates
Karl Rove July 29, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Performs Brain
Surgery on Karl Rove and Scooter Libby October 7, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Forces a Hypnotized
Harriet Miers to Admit Her Homosexuality November 3, 2005 Dead Cat Butch Takes Over the
Senate Hearing Chamber, and Holds Her Own Confirmation Hearing for Samuel
Alito December 2, 2005 Dead Cat Butch and Her Cat
Army Overthrow the United States Government and Liberate the Country December 9, 2005 With Morning Sedition
Over, Dead Cat Butch Drives Marc and the Four Strays Cross-Country to
Los Angeles; Butch Says Goodbye December 16, 2005 As Morning Sedition
Ends, the Crew—as Firemen—Burn the City Down, Removing All Traces
of Their Show, as Dawn Approaches May 28, 2008 Marc Travels to Mars, and He
Meets the Last Martian May 30, 2008 Marc and Dead Cat Butch Confront
the Protestors in Front of the Democratic Rules Committee, and She Helps
the Clinton Supporters and Obama Supporters Achieve Party Unity…in
Her Usual Way Dream Interpretation (Marc Maron,
Mark Riley, and the Callers) January 11, 2005 The Inspiration for Dream Interpretation January 12, 2005 Dream Interpretation #1 January 19, 2005 Dream Interpretation #2 January 26, 2005 Dream Interpretation #3 February 2, 2005 Dream Interpretation #4 February 9, 2005 Dream Interpretation #5 February 16, 2005 Dream Interpretation #6 February 23, 2005 Dream Interpretation #7 March 2, 2005 Dream Interpretation #8 March 9, 2005 Dream Interpretation #9 March 16, 2005 Dream Interpretation #10 March 30, 2005 Dream Interpretation #11 April 13, 2005 Dream Interpretation #12 April 22, 2005 Marc Maron’s Bootleg Dream Diary Mark Riley’s Dream Diary September 13, 2005 Dream Interpretation with Little
Goliath December 12, 2005 Dream Interpretation with Dan
Pashman Drunken White House Official (Kent Jones) June 2, 2004 First Call June 3, 2004 Second Call June 4, 2004 Third Call Eddie Pepitone, Investigative Reporter (Eddie Pepitone) March 7, 2006 GotMercury.Org’s Report on
the High Levels of Mercury in Tuna March 21, 2006 The Desegregation of Double
Cells in California Prisons April 21, 2006 Mick Jagger is Filming an ABC
Pilot June 30, 2006 A Surprisingly Sedate Pepitone
Discusses His Plans to Bring “Culture” to Maximum-Security Prisons Friday Business Report (Jim Earl
& Marc Maron) June 25, 2004 The U.S. Supreme Court’s
Decision Prohibiting Patients from Suing HMOs for Refusing Them Proper
Medical Care July 2, 2004 The Apparent Loss by the Coalition
Provisional Authority of Over $20 Billion Dollars of Iraqi Oil Revenues July 9, 2004 The Announcement That Al Jazeera
is Planning to Become a Publicly-Traded Company July 16, 2004 The Better-Than-Expected Profits
for McDonald’s European Division July 23, 2004 The Indian Government is Finally
Distributing Union Carbide’s $30 Million Settlement to the Victims
of the 1984 Bhopal Disaster July 30, 2004 The Bush Administration’s
Proposal to Slash at Least a Half a Billion Dollars a Year in Medicare
Payments to Cancer Doctors August 6, 2004 Governor Schwarzenegger is
Launching a Worldwide Billboard Campaign Featuring His Image for the
Sole Purpose of Attracting More Business to California August 13, 2004 President Bush Will Allow the
Texas-Based El Paso Corporation to Drill for Natural Gas on 40,000 Acres
of Pristine Alpine Meadow and Forestland in New Mexico August 27, 2004 For the Next Two Days, California
Governor Schwarzenegger Will Hold a Government Auction to Rid His State
of Confiscated Property September 3, 2004 According to Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan, Our Country’s Aging Population Will Wreck
the Economy Unless Drastic Changes are Made to Social Security and Medicare September 10, 2004 LSD and Ecstasy Use Among Young
People is Down by Nearly Half, but More Kids are Binge Drinking and
Downing Prescription Pills Than Ever Before September 17, 2004 Four Businessmen Were Executed
for Bank Fraud, Account Theft, and Bribery…in China September 24, 2004 Lieutenant General Mikhail
Kalashnikov, Inventor of the AK-47, Wants to Introduce His Own Brand
of Vodka October 1, 2004 A Japanese Company Has Started
Producing What Will Surely Become the Crown Jewel of Asian Technology:
A Man-Shaped Pillow October 8, 2004 The Best Investment Opportunity
to Turn Up in Four Years: Twelve Hundred-Year-Old Anglo-Saxon
Pennies! October 15, 2004 Procter & Gamble Announced
It Will Stop Using Outside Laboratories to Test Its Products on Animals October 29, 2004 As November 2nd
is Nearly Upon Us, You May Only Have Three More Days to Plumb the Great
Unmet Needs of the American Consumer November 5, 2004 The George W. Bush Decade Will
Continue, and Our Brave War President’s Mandate Means Big Bucks for
the Corporate World November 12, 2004 The Department of Justice Has
Just Subpoenaed Pharmaceutical Giant Merck & Co. for Information
Relating to Its Popular Arthritis Drug Vioxx November 19, 2004 In Four Years, China Will Host
the Olympic Games, Attracting More Foreign Visitors to the Beijing Area
Than at Any Other Time in History…and That’s Where the World Toilet
Organization Comes In! Future Marc (Marc Maron
& ???) April 13, 2005 First Call from Future Marc April 20, 2005 Work is Strength, Work is the
Way! April 27, 2005 Life Post-Oil, Featuring Massive
Flooding and Whales as Pests May 6, 2005 Real-Life Video Games, Food
Bombs, and America’s Diminished Stature May 11, 2005 Infoblast May 18, 2005 Cloning and Clone Abuse May 26, 2005 Future Movies and the Shared
Narrative Archive June 1, 2005 America is Now Islamic, but
the Middle East is Presbyterian June 8, 2005 The Trip Harness, Part 1—Introduction
of Future Future Marc June 15, 2005 The Trip Harness, Part 2—Future
Marc Screws Up the Past by Attempting to Change It June 22, 2005 The United States is a Giant
Prison June 30, 2005 The Mad Potato Outbreak, Earned
Human Contact Points, and Constant Parades July 6, 2005 Celebrity Island July 13, 2005 Iraqansas, Irandiana, and the
Wide-Around-the-Middle East July 21, 2005 President Rove and the Informant
Society; Future Future Marc Rats Out Future Marc July 27, 2005 Future Mark Riley and His Clone
Army August 3, 2005 Future Marc and Future Mark
Visit an Atlantean Jazz Club August 10, 2005 Stand-Up Comedy is Now a Contact
Sport August 24, 2005 Future Therapy September 8, 2005 Giant Earthworms, Singing Moles,
and Future Marc’s Investments Underground September 14, 2005 New New Orleans October 5, 2005 The Spin Doctors Become the
Foundation of Western Culture October 12, 2005 Fat Future Marc November 16, 2005 MaronCo December 8, 2005 The Rapture Happens, and Future
Marc is in Charge of Torturing the Damned December 16, 2005 Future Morning Sedition Jeff DiCarlo (Seth Morris) April 21, 2006 Jeff Appears as a Guest In-Studio,
Explains His Tax Deduction System and Biowave Analysis, and Provides
Mediation Between Marc Maron and Jim Earl (Featuring Jim’s Wheel of
Anger and Eddie Pepitone) May 1, 2006 Jeff Stages a Protest to Support
the Rights of Immigrant Workers from His Bed, Day One May 2, 2006 Jeff Stages a Protest to Support
the Rights of Immigrant Workers from His Bed, Day Two May 24, 2006 The Internal Liberation Front
and the Million Man Nap in Washington, D.C. July 11, 2006 Jeff Finds Out That The
Marc Maron Show Has Been Cancelled, and Begins a Home Protest Until
the Show is Brought Back on the Air November 6, 2006 Marc Maron Guests Hosts
Springer on the Radio—Jeff Watches the 2006 Midterm Elections
from His Bed, and He Monitors a Suspicious Polling Center Across the
Street from His House December 1, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Sam Seder Show—Jeff Talks About the Deplorable State of Health
Care in the United States December 18, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Sam Seder Show—Jeff on the Best Way to Celebrate the Decadent
and Wasteful Holiday Season: Doing Nothing, and Regifting Junk Jim’s Poetry Corner (Jim Earl) March 22, 2006 “Refrigerator Notes I” March 31, 2006 “The World is My Toilet” April 24, 2006 A Poetic Trilogy June 1, 2006 “My Thoughts as I Think Them” June 14, 2006 “Refrigerator Notes II” June 26, 2006 “Office Depot Customer Feedback
Letters” July 11, 2006 “My Street” Johnny K Street (Mike Ferrucci) April 14, 2005 Top Bets for April 14, 2005—Tom
DeLay’s Indictment April 21, 2005 Top Bets for April 21, 2005—The
New Pope, John Bolton, and Justice Sunday April 28, 2005 Top Bets for April 28, 2005—Tom
DeLay, the Filibuster, and American Idol May 12, 2005 Top Bets for May 12, 2005—The
Testimonial Dinner for Tom DeLay, Renee Zellweger’s Marriage, and
the John Bolton Vote May 19, 2005 Top Bets for May 19, 2005—Desecration
of the Qur’an, the White House Censoring Newsweek, and the
Filibuster; Johnny Confronts Marc About His Vig May 26, 2005 Top Bets for May 26, 2005—Stem
Cell Research, John Bolton, James Dobson, and the Michael Jackson Trial June 2, 2005 Top Bets for June 2, 2005—Deep
Throat, the Downing Street Memo, and Rush Limbaugh June 3, 2005 Top Bets for June 3, 2005—The
Olympics in New York, Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton June 9, 2005 Top Bets for June 9, 2005—Howard
Dean, Russell Crowe, Bush’s Poll Numbers, and Guantanamo Prisoners
Working at Bush’s Crawford Ranch June 16, 2005 Top Bets for June 16, 2005—The
Downing Street Memo, Bush’s Potential Impeachment, and Trent Lott;
Johnny Made Some Money Off of the Acquittal of Michael Jackson June 24, 2005 Top Bets for June 24, 2005—Bush’s
Potential Impeachment, Osama bin Laden, and Edward Klein’s New Anti-Hillary
Book; Johnny Recounts His Childhood at the Sands’ Las Vegas Outreach
Program June 30, 2005 Top Bets for June 30, 2005—The
Iraqi Forces, Imminent Domain Laws, Bush’s Poll Numbers, Princess
Diana, and Karl Rove; Johnny Downplays His Relationship with Hillary
Clinton and Waxes Nostalgic Over John F. Kennedy July 8, 2005 Top Bets for July 8, 2005—Karl
Rove; Marc and Johnny Recreate a Scene from Goodfellas July 15, 2005 Top Bets for July 15, 2005—Karl
Rove July 22, 2005 Top Bets for July 22, 2005—John
Roberts, Osama bin Laden, and Karl Rove August 5, 2005 Top Bets for August 5, 2005—Bush’s
Latest Crawford Vacation and Robert Novak; Johnny Recounts How He Met
the Ramones, Promotes His New Book You Bet, My Life: The Johnny
K Street Story, and How He Got Searched on the Subway August 11, 2005 Top Bets for August 11, 2005—Bush
and Cindy Sheehan, Dick Cheney, and What Bush Will Do to Improve His
Poll Numbers August 19, 2005 Top Bets for August 19, 2005—Cindy
Sheehan; Johnny Talks About His Friendship with Al Sharpton and Promotes
His Upcoming Appearance on Growing Up Gotti August 26, 2005 Top Bets for August 26, 2005—Sean
Penn, Pat Robertson, and the Iraqi Constitution; Johnny Denies Having
an Affair with Victoria Gotti September 9, 2005 Top Bets for September 9, 2005—Michael
Brown, the Estate Tax, and Who the Bush Administration Will Blame for
Hurricane Katrina; Johnny Remembers His Childhood September 16, 2005 Top Bets for September 16,
2005—Halliburton, John Roberts, and Ann Coulter’s Porn Past September 22, 2005 Top Bets for September 22,
2005—Bush’s Reaction to Hurricane Rita, the Money He’s Laying
Out for Corporations, and His Poll Numbers September 29, 2005 Top Bets for September 29,
2005—Tom DeLay, Michael Brown, and Whether or Not Bush is Drinking
Again; Johnny Talks About How He was Approached to Open a Riverboat
Casino in New Orleans October 7, 2005 Top Bets for October 7, 2005—Harriet
Miers, Terrorist Attacks on the NYC Subway, Karl Rove, and Tom DeLay;
Johnny Promotes His Poker World Series, Which He’s Holding in Concert
with the USO October 13, 2005 Top Bets for October 13, 2005—Harriet
Miers, Karl Rove, and Tom DeLay; Johnny Recounts His Experience with
John F. Kennedy and His Plans for a Gambling Website October 21, 2005 Top Bets for October 21, 2005—Karl
Rove, Tom DeLay, and the Saddam Hussein Trial; Johnny Promotes His Control
Your Gambling System October 27, 2005 Top Bets for October 27, 2005—
Karl Rove, the Valerie Plame Affair, and Harriet Miers; Johnny Promotes
His Halloween Casino Fright Night November 3, 2005 Top Bets for November 3, 2005—Karl
Rove, Dick Cheney, Whether or Not Morning Sedition Will Be Cancelled,
Samuel Alito, and Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles’ U.S. Visit;
Johnny Promotes His New Nickelodeon Series K Stands for Kids November 10, 2005 Top Bets for November 10, 2005—Whether
or Not the Bush Administration Will Take More Hits, the Rift Between
Bush and Cheney, and Bush’s Poll Numbers; Johnny Goes Over the Problems
with Bush’s Popularity November 17, 2005 Top Bets for November 17, 2005—The
Potential Withdrawal Date from Iraq, Bush’s Poll Numbers, and the
Valerie Plame Affair; Johnny Promotes His Thanksgiving Day Slot Tournament
at the Mohegan Sun Casino December 1, 2005 Top Bets for December 1, 2005—
The Potential Withdrawal Date from Iraq, Bush’s Proposal to Bomb Al
Jazeera; Johnny Promotes His Book and His Plans to Visit Vatican City December 8, 2005 Top Bets for December 8, 2005—Airport
Safety, Saddam Hussein, Condoleezza Rice, and Howard Dean; Johnny Suggests
That Gambling Should be Legalized in Iraq December 15, 2005 Top Bets for December 15, 2005—Marc
Maron’s Future in Los Angeles and the Transit Strike in New York;
Johnny Promotes His Upcoming Television Series Five Card Stud:
The Johnny K Street Story and His Bets for Tots Campaign December 15, 2005 Johnny K Street’s Theme Music February 28, 2006 Top Bets for February 28, 2006—The
NSA Spying Program, Jack Abramoff, and Samuel Alito (Internet Exclusive
Clip) March 2, 2006 Top Bets for March 2, 2006—
Jack Abramoff, Dick Cheney, and the Dubai Ports Deal April 18, 2006 Top Bets for April 18, 2006—Bush’s
Plans to Nuke Iran and Donald Rumsfeld; Johnny Rails Against Bush’s
Nuclear Tests in Nevada and Promotes His Summer Casino Night April 18, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo May 5, 2006 Top Bets for May 5, 2006—Gas
Prices, the Midterm Elections, Bush’s Proposed Guest Worker Program,
and Bush’s Poll Numbers; Johnny Promotes His Ultimate Cage Match Cockfighting
and His Pro-Impeachment, Anti-Bush Rally K Stock May 25, 2006 Top Bets for May 25, 2006—Michael
Hayden, Halliburton, Whether or Not Bush Will Catch Another Terrorist,
Karl Rove, and the Mexican Border Wall; Johnny Promotes His Book and
the Fact That It’s Going to Broadway June 15, 2006 Top Bets for June 15, 2006—Karl
Rove, the Alleged Affair Between Bush and Condi, Suicides at Gitmo,
and Ann Coulter; Johnny Promotes His Upcoming Website July 12, 2006 Top Bets for July 12, 2006—Which
Country’s Will Launch a Missile and Dick Cheney; Johnny Promotes His
New Movie Production Company December 21, 2006 Top Bets for December 21, 2006—The
Surge, Tim Johnson, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama; Johnny Tears
into Air America Radio and Promotes Both His K World International Resort
and Casino in Dubai and His Casino Night Before Christmas John Zach, Marc’s NSA Guy (Brendan
McDonald, Barry Lank) March 14, 2006 (1) First Appearance of John Zach,
Marc’s NSA Guy; He Asks Marc to Help Him Fill the Holes in His Surveillance
Reports March 14, 2006 (2) John Calls Marc to Pay Him
Back for Helping Him May 18, 2006 (1) John Tries to Sell Marc Material
for His Show, and Reveals That He’s on Suspension at the Moment May 18, 2006 (2) John Tries to Pitch More Material
to Marc…That is Already Being Used on Other Programs May 18, 2006 (3) John Tries to Pitch Even More
Material to Marc…Based on His Surveillance of Marc May 25, 2006 (1) John Calls Marc’s Booker
and Arranges to Open for Him at a Show May 25, 2006 (2) John Reveals That He’s Been
Calling Marc’s Mother; He Critiques Marc’s Porn Interests May 25, 2006 (3) John Reminds Him to Return
an Overdue Video Tape, and Marc Begins to Suspect That John’s Stalking
Him May 31, 1006 (1) John Tries to Offer Marc Advice
About His Show, and Tries to Replace Jim Earl as Marc’s Co-Host May 31, 1006 (2) John Tries to Counsel Marc
and His Wife Mishna During a Conference Wire Tap May 31, 1006 (3) John is Bored; He Calls Marc
to See If They Could Hang Out June 7, 2006 (1) John Tries to Sell Marc Some
Jokes About Tom Cruise June 7, 2006 (2) John Tries to Get Himself Invited
to a Party Marc’s Having That Weekend June 7, 2006 (3) John Admits That, in Addition
to His NSA Activities, He Follows Marc Around on His Own Time June 13, 2006 (1) John Tries to Perform His Act
for Marc, Which He Stole from Steven Wright June 13, 2006 (2) John Admits That He Likes to
Recreate Their Phone Conversations with His Friends June 13, 2006 (3) John Tries to Refinance Marc’s
Mortgage, and Marc Reminisces About His Original Stalker June 22, 2006 (1) John Quits the NSA and Plans
to Move to California to Become a Star June 22, 2006 (2) John Calls Marc’s Hollywood
Contacts and Tells Them That Marc Wanted Them to Read His Screenplay June 22, 2006 (3) John’s Last Day at the NSA;
He Asks If Marc Needs a Roommate June 29, 2006 John Appears Live In-Studio
and Defeated by the Hollywood Machine, and He Vows to Return to the
NSA to Wiretap the “Suspicious” Celebrities That Ignored and Insulted
Him The Liberal Confessional (Marc Maron,
Mark Riley, and the Callers) July 20, 2004 First Liberal Confessional;
Marc Has Doubts About Taking Money and Doing Ads from Sprint July 27, 2004 Marc Feels Guilty for Turns
Women into Sexual Objects August 3, 2004 Marc Feels Bad for Relenting
When Arguing with Neocons August 10, 2004 Marc Regrets Racial Profiling
on the Subway August 24, 2004 Marc is Uncertain as to How
to be Charitable for the Homeless August 31, 2004 Marc Feels Guilty for Ditching
the RNC Protests Because He was Hungry September 7, 2004 Marc is Upset That the Cats
He Rescued Don’t Love Him September 14, 2004 Marc Overreacts to the Polls September 21, 2004 Marc Feels Guilty for Using
His Gun Sound Effects September 28, 2004 Marc Finds George W. Bush Funny October 5, 2004 Marc Addresses Criticism from
a Listener by Calling Her a Bitch October 12, 2004 Marc Doubts Whether or Not
He Should Eat Meat November 9, 2004 Marc Feels Awful for Not Being
Conspiratorial About the 2004 Election November 16, 2004 Marc is Burnt Out; Wants to
Drop Out of the Political Sphere November 23, 2004 It’s Thanksgiving, but Marc
Only Feels Thankful for Getting the Day Off November 30, 2004 Marc Bought Some Nike Running
Shorts December 7, 2004 Marc Ate at McDonalds December 14, 2004 Marc Confesses His Love for
Porn December 28, 2004 Marc Feels Bad for Not Hating
Christmas (Featuring Guest Host Mick Foley) January 4, 2005 Marc Feels Dirty for Acknowledging
That Bush is Helping in the Tsunami Effort (Featuring Guest Host Anthony
Lappé) January 11, 2005 Marc is Disgusted with Bill
Clinton January 18, 2005 Marc Isn’t Planning on Protesting
Bush’s Inauguration January 25, 2005 Marc Wants the Iraqi Elections
Descends Into Horror and Chaos (Featuring Brian from Everett) February 1, 2005 Marc is Guilty of Being Insensitive
to the Mentally Disabled…and Their Teddy Bears February 8, 2005 Marc Has Been Accused of Straying
from Liberal Scripture (Featuring Brian from Everett) February 15, 2005 Marc Wants Mishna to Come to
New York and Have His Baby February 18, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty That He Now
Knows How to Act Around Women, but Still Acts Like a Pig When They’re
Not Around February 22, 2005 Marc Wonders About His Commitment
to the Liberal Cause February 25, 2005 Marc is Upset That Morning
Sedition is Being Replaced in Boulder, CO by Another Morning Show March 1, 2005 Marc Wants to Keep the Additional
Money That He Got with His New Contract and Spend It Himself March 8, 2005 Marc Called Strippers “Damaged,
Broken People” During a Previous Installment March 15, 2005 Marc Feels Bad About the Amount
of Paper That They Go Through on Morning Sedition March 29, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty for Taking
a Vacation Away from the Progressive Cause (Featuring Brian from Everett) April 5, 2005 Marc Feels Bad About Making
Fun of the Pope and Organized Religion April 12, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty Over His
Exchange with David Halberstam, and for His Lack of Respect for Old
People April 19, 2005 Marc is Worried About Sounding
Gay After Interviewing Larry Kramer April 26, 2005 Marc is Beginning to Believe
Lou Dobbs About the Immigration Problem May 3, 2005 Marc Feels Bad for Yelling
at Producer Jonathan Larsen for Ordering Him Breakfast May 10, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty for Not Being
Able to Accept Simple Kindness from the People of Cincinnati May 17, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty for Not Wanting
to Donate to the ACLU and the Democratic Party (Featuring Cardinal Milfington) May 24, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty for Having
Fun That Weekend and Not Doing Anything to Help the Progressive Cause June 7, 2005 Marc Likes to Check Out Women
Breastfeeding and Gets Mad at the Baby for Getting in the Way June 14, 2005 Marc Feels That the Torture-Related
Puppet Show Technique at Gitmo Was Creative and Funny (Featuring Cardinal
Milfington) June 21, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty for Buying
an Air Conditioner June 28, 2005 Marc was at a Protest Rally
for the Rights of Transgendered People, but was Still Freaked Out by
Them July 12, 2005 Marc Broke Down and Bought
an iPod July 19, 2005 Marc Had a Bad Immediate Reaction
to Meeting a “Little Person” July 26, 2005 Marc is for Random Bag Checks
in the Subway August 2, 2005 Marc Wants a Corvette August 10, 2005 Marc Admits That He’s an
Asshole, as He Got Into a Fight with Mishna for Bringing Home the Wrong
Type of Dental Floss August 16, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty for Not Regularly
Feeding a Stray Cat in His Neighborhood September 7, 2005 Marc Ate Meat on His Vacation September 13, 2005 Marc Feels Guilty for Being
on Vacation During Hurricane Katrina September 20, 2005 Following an Interview with
Former Porn Star Harry Reems, Marc Feels Less Guilty About Watching
Porn September 27, 2005 Marc Skipped the Anti-War Rally
in Washington D.C. (Featuring Marc’s Mom, Toby Maron) October 4, 2005 Marc Enjoyed Being on Good
Morning America and Being Immersed in Entertainment News (Featuring
Brian from Everett) October 18, 2005 Marc Responded in Anger to
Negative Email October 25, 2005 Marc Has a Dark Respect for
Tom DeLay, and Envies His Power (Featuring Bill Clinton / Bill from
Harlem) November 1, 2005 Marc’s Contract Negotiations
Aren’t Going Well, and Marc Wonders if He Should Have Offered to Work
for Less Money November 9, 2005 After Morning Sedition
Ends, Marc Wants to Break from the Liberal Cause and Go Mainstream November 15, 2005 Marc Got Into a Fight with
a Friend’s Girlfriend Over Bush’s Popularity, Which Led to His Friend
Breaking Up with Her November 22, 2005 Marc Betrays His Vegetarianism
by Eating Biscuits with Sausage Gravy, and Realizes That He Misses Meat November 29, 2005 Marc Wants to Give One of His
Adopted Cats Away, but Has Also Contemplated Abandoning or Putting One
of Them to Sleep (Featuring Cardinal Milfington) December 6, 2005 Marc Invested Money in Cement
Through a Family Friend, and the Stock Went Up Due to Hurricane Katrina December 13, 2005 As Marc Loses His Job and His
Radio Show, He Secretly Desires for Air America Radio to Fail Spectacularly
Without Him, and Then Have Danny Goldberg Beg Him to Return (Featuring
Lawton Smalls) March 14, 2006 Marc Called His Wife a Bitch
(Featuring Cardinal Milfington) March 23, 2006 Marc Made a Gay Joke Implying
That the Absence of a Father Figure Can Trigger Homosexuality (Featuring
Cardinal Milfington) Lt. Ronnie Rudolph (Wyatt Cenac) May 2, 2006 Recruiting Tactics June 12, 2006 Army Ethics Training July 12, 2006 AWOL October 26, 2006 Army Strong December 1, 2006 America’s Strategy in Iraq December 19, 2006 The Surge Marc’s Letters to God (Marc Maron
& Jim Earl) February 28, 2006 Do You Like Me? March 16, 2006 If I Died Tomorrow, Would I
Be Remembered for My Work? March 24, 2006 Could You Give Some Indication
That You Exist? Marc’s Stalker (Tom Johnson) July 28, 2005 (1) First Call from Marc’s Stalker July 28, 2005 (2) Marc’s Stalker Reveals That
He’s Watching Marc Maron July 29, 2005 Marc’s Stalker Continues
Threatening Marc August 2, 2005 Marc’s Stalker Critiques
Marc’s Recent Shows at the Improv and Tries to Hit Marc Up for Free
Passes August 4, 2005 Marc’s Stalker Has Problems
with His Cell Phone’s Call Waiting Feature August 9, 2005 Marc’s Stalker Asks Marc
for His Schedule to Facilitate His Stalking Activities August 11, 2005 Marc’s Stalker Follows Marc
to the Movies; Marc Offers to Pay for His Ticket If He’ll Stalk Him
at Better Films August 22, 2005 Marc’s on Vacation; Marc’s
Stalker Becomes Mark’s Stalker August 23, 2005 Marc’s Stalker Breaks Into
Marc’s Apartment…to Clean His Bathroom and Feed His Cats August 25, 2005 Marc’s Stalker Tries to Borrow
$600 from Mark Riley So He Can Stalk Marc in Hawaii September 8, 2005 (1) Marc Returns from Vacation
to Find Out That His Stalker Has Moved On September 8, 2005 (2) Marc’s Stalker Continues
Calling Mark Riley to Make Marc Jealous September 12, 2005 (1) Marc’s Stalker Betrays His
Feelings with a Slip of the Tongue September 12, 2005 (2) Marc’s Stalker Misses Marc
and Begs Him to Take Him Back September 14, 2005 (1) Marc’s Stalker is Terribly
Depressed, and Marc Tells Him to Get Some Help September 14, 2005 (2) Marc’s Stalker Tells Marc
That He’s Made an Appointment with Some Mental Health Professionals September 16, 2005 Live from the Elmo Restaurant
& Lounge—Marc’s Stalker Appears Medicated, Refreshed, and Ready
to Stalk Marc Maron Again Marc the Shark (Marc Maron
& Kent Jones) November 11, 2004 First Appearance of Ted in
Nebraska and Marc the Shark Manifesting as a Second Personality; Marc
the Shark’s Really Excited About Bush’s Second Term—Next Time
Democrats Should Run a Real Man as a Candidate…Like Hillary Clinton! November 18, 2004 President Bush is Remodeling
His Cabinet by Getting Rid of the Dead Wood Moderates November 24, 2004 Marc the Shark Loves Thanksgiving,
and Wants to Thank the Indians for Getting the Hell Off of Our Continent December 2, 2004 Canada is a Country That Was
Too Chicken to Go to Iraq and Fight with the Real Men, and Marc the
Shark’s Thoughts on the Upcoming Supreme Court Decision About Medical
Marijuana December 9, 2004 Liberals Need Steroids to Play
Baseball, and Massachusetts is Going to Have a Pink Christmas December 14, 2004 Marc the Shark on Bush’s
Plans to Privatize Social Security and Putting the Ten Commandments
in Public Buildings, and How Liberal Holly-Weirdoes Like Julia Roberts
Shouldn’t be Allowed to Have Twins December 30, 2004 Bill Clinton is Shooting His
Mouth Off, Saying Uncle Sam Should Take the Lead in Providing Aid for
the So-Called “Tsunami Victims”…He Likes Anything Wet! January 6, 2005 Marc the Shark’s Excited
About the Bush Family’s Involvement in the Tsunami Relief Effort and
President Bush’s Attempts at Tort Reform January 14, 2005 Charles Graner is a Hero for
What He Did at Abu Ghraib, and Hollywood Liberals are Scared That the
Torrential Storms Will Damage Malibu Barbie’s Dream House January 21, 2005 The Inauguration was Great,
Condoleezza Rice Shot Down Those Liberals on the Foreign Relations Committee,
and Iraq Should Just Make Bush Their President Too! January 28, 2005 Marc the Shark Tears Into Bill
O’Reilly (for Stealing His Bit) and Sam Lipsyte (Because He Loves
It) February 4, 2005 Marc the Shark Hates Those
Liberal Traitors Who Sat Down During Bush’s State of the Union Speech,
and He Believes There Should Be a White History Month…with 31 Days! February 11, 2005 Bush is Cutting the Pork from
the Federal Budget, Like Medicaid and Food Stamps, and Mass Transit
is for Loser Liberal Professors Who Teach Kids How to Be Gay February 25, 2005 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Randi Rhodes Show—France Needs to Shut Its’ Cheese-Eating Hole
About the War, and “Pansy” Rhodes is a Typical Liberal Slacker Trying
to Get Out of Work March 4, 2005 Marc the Shark Covers the Oscars,
Hillary Skank, and How the Ten Commandments Should be Put Up Everywhere March 11, 2005 Marc the Shark’s Thoughts
on Bubba Clinton Being Back in the Hospital, John Bolton, and How the
Minimum Wage Should be Lower—That’s Why It’s Called “Minimum!” March 18, 2005 Italy’s Pulling Out of Iraq
to Join the Coalition of the Whining…Didn’t They Invent the Car
Bomb? April 1, 2005 Marc the Shark on the Anniversary
of Error America Radio—the Whole Network’s Like Last Call at the
Queer Town Jew Bar! April 8, 2005 The Judeo-Christian Council
for Constructional Restoration Takes Aim on Activist Judges—Say Your
Prayers, Judge Pinko! April 15, 2005 Marc the Shark on Why He Hates
Tax Season, and Why Cat Hunting Should be Legal April 22, 2005 The Neocons are Preparing for
Justice Sunday, but for Activist Judges It’s Sunday, Bloody Sunday! April 29, 2005 Democrats on the Ethics Committee
are Busy Trying to Crucify Tom DeLay—What Do Democrats Know About
Ethics, Anyway? Also, Marc the Shark Takes a Moment to Reflect
on the Images from Abu Ghraib May 6, 2005 It’s About Time the Neocons
Take on PBS—It’s About Time They Clean Out Mister Rogers’ Elitist
Neighborhood! May 13, 2005 The Democrats Want to Save
the Filibuster? What’s a Matter, Losers, Nobody Listening to
Ya? It’s Not Like Liberals Have Anything to Say! May 20, 2005 The Democrats are Going to
Get Tough on National Security? Stick to Killing What You Know:
Fetuses! May 27, 2005 Marc the Shark Dishes Out Punishment
to the Seven Traitorous, So-Called Republicans Who Sold Out to the Democrats
Over the Filibuster June 3, 2005 Live from City Bakery—Deep
Throat is a Communist Traitor, and Amnesty International is Absurd for
Criticize Us Over the Detention Camp at Guantanamo June 15, 2005 That Dr. Pinko, Howard Dean,
was Right: the Republican Party is a White Christian Party!
Also, the Supreme Court was Right to Go After Those Medical Marijuana
Potheads June 24, 2005 Live from the Tea Lounge—Marc
the Shark’s Thoughts on the New Hillary Book That Says She’s a Lesbian,
Gay Pride Week, and Bill O’Reilly’s Request That Air America Radio’s
Hosts Should be Arrested July 1, 2005 Vegetarian Sissies are Afraid
of Eating American Beef Due to Mad Cow—We Should Shove Our Beef Down
Their Throats, as Well as the Ungrateful Loser Countries Who Won’t
Import It! July 8, 2005 Live from Vox Pop—Good Riddance
to Sandra Day O’Connor, and Karl Rove is a Hero for Outing a CIA Agent—You
Step Out of Line, You Get Smacked! July 15, 2005 Live from Restaurant Florent—The
Democrats are Engaging in Partisan Political Attacks Against American
Hero Karl Rove, and Harry Potter Leads to Satanism, Witchcraft, and
Late-Term Abortions July 22, 2005 Live from the Tea Lounge—Marc
the Shark Takes Questions from the Audience and Addresses Content Issues
Regarding His Show; America Doesn’t Care About Karl Rove Outing a
CIA Agent July 29, 2005 Marc the Shark Takes Some Calls
from the Shark Tank—The Democrats Have No Ideas, and With CAFTA We
Can Get Mexicans to Build Us Hundreds of Shuttles So We Can Build Gated
Communities on the Moon August 5, 2005 Live from CBGB’s—Bush Bypassing
Congress and Appointing John Bolton is Okay Due to His Mandate, and
People Should Shut Up About Bush’s Long Vacations August 12, 2005 Live from O’Neill’s Restaurant—Jeanne
Pirro Will Mop Up the Floor with Hillary Clinton in the 2006 New York
Senate Race; Marc the Shark Gives His Opinions About Supreme Court Nominee
John Roberts and the America Supports You Freedom Walk August 19, 2005 Live from Amy Ruth’s—Marc
the Shark Plays The Weakest Liberal with Members of the Audience September 9, 2005 Live from the New School—Liberals
are Playing the Blame Game on Bush’s Response to Hurricane Katrina,
and the Hurricane “Victims” Did Win the Lottery September 16, 2005 Live from the Elmo Restaurant
& Lounge—Bush Didn’t Apologize for the Response to Hurricane
Katrina, He Assumed Responsibility; Marc the Shark Reveals His
Plans for the French Quarter September 23, 2005 Live from the XM Studios in
Washington, DC—Let’s Tear Down That Socialist FDR Memorial and Build
One for Ronald Reagan! Also, Hurricane Rita Won’t Affect Texas
Because It’s Not a Pansy-Ass French State, and the New Orleans Refugees
Only Went to Texas to Get Twice the Disaster Aid! September 30, 2005 Congratulations to the Democrats
for Indicting the Martyr Tom DeLay—You’ve Finally Managed to Nail
Something Besides a Fetus! Also, Marc the Shark’s Plan for Rebuilding
New Orleans: Give It Back to the French October 14, 2005 Live from Restaurant Florent—The
Liberals Have Got Nothing on Us! Karl Rove Could Run the Country
from the Moon If He Has To, and Ronnie Earle Will Convict Tom DeLay
the Same Day Hillary Clinton Votes to Outlaw Hot, Wet Lesbian Sex with
Rosie O’Donnell! November 3, 2005 Live from O’Neill’s Restaurant—Thank
God President Bush Got Rid of Harriet Miers and Nominated a Real Man
Like Samuel Alito, and Bush Will Take Care of the Bird Flu Like He Did
in Iraq: Shock and Awe! November 30, 2005 It’s About Time President
Bush Got Tough on Illegal Immigrants! Pack Up Your Leaf Blower,
Pablo, America’s Closed! December 16, 2005 On the Final Morning Sedition
Broadcast, Marc Maron Humiliates Marc the Shark and Chases Him Out of
His Subconscious April 28, 2006 Marc the Shark Follows Marc
Maron to Late Night Radio; He Rants About Earth Day, and How High Gas
Prices are Caused by Gay Marriage May 5, 2006 Marc the Shark Expresses His
Disgust Over the Spanish Version of the National Anthem, and Kindly
Teaches His Spanish Listeners Some Useful English Phrases May 12, 2006 We’ve Been So Busy Kicking
Iraq’s Ass That We’ve Forgotten to Kick Iran’s Ass, and Hillary
Clinton Shouldn’t Bother Sucking Up to the Republicans Because She’s
Got No Chance of Becoming President May 26, 2006 Marc the Shark Rants About
How Women are Driving Him Crazy, Including Madonna, the Dixie Chicks,
and Joan Baez June 16, 2006 Everything’s Looking Good
in Iraq, Karl Rove is Untouchable, and Ann Coulter is Hot for Taking
on Those Skanky 9/11 Widows June 23, 2006 Marc the Shark Sounds Off on
the Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Ban Flag Burning, How John
Murtha is Fat, and How That Communist Dan Rather is Finally Leaving
CBS July 14, 2006 Live from Democracy Fest at
San Diego State University—On the Final Marc Maron Show Broadcast,
Marc the Shark Gets His Revenge on Marc Maron December 22, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Sam Seder Show—We Should Send More Soldiers to Iraq, The Republicans
Should Take Back the Senate Pronto, and Can You Believe That Barack
Obama’s Middle Name is “Hussein?” May 30, 2008 Marc Maron Guest Hosts American
Afternoon—Marc the Shark’s Reaction to That Traitor Dirtbag
Numbnuts Scott McClellan and His Stupid Book: “He’s Not a
Homo Commie; He’s More of a Commie Homo!” Monday Job Listings (Marc Maron
& ???) June 21, 2004 Major Party Presidential Candidate
Seeks Running Mate June 28, 2004 Immediate Opening: Illinois
Republican Party Seeking Erection-Free Candidate for U.S. Senate July 12, 2004 Wanted: New Director
for the CIA, New Personal Physician for Vice-President July 19, 2004 Diet Supplement Seeks New Spokesperson July 26, 2004 Wanted: National Intelligence
Czar August 2, 2004 Commission Report Tutor Needed August 9, 2004 Wanted: White House Court
Jester August 23, 2004 Wanted: Religion Advisor August 30, 2004 GOP Needs TV-Ready Convention
Help September 13, 2004 Sexy New Marketing Positions
in Assault Weapons Sales, Trade Show Models September 20, 2004 Debate Sparring Partners Needed September 27, 2004 Wanted: New CBS Evening
News Anchorman October 4, 2004 Positions are Still Open in
the Field of Election Worker for Afghanistan’s October 9th
Presidential Election October 11, 2004 Prostitutes Needed to Pose
for a Series of Discreet Photographs with John Kerry Look-Alike October 18, 2004 Associate Producer Needed for
Major One-Sided Talk Show October 25, 2004 Manhunter Needed November 1, 2004 The Republican Party is Looking
for People to Assist Potential New Voters to Realize That Maybe They’d
be Better Off Just Going Home and Forgetting About This Voting Thing;
United States of America Seeks a New Head for Our Executive Branch November 8, 2004 How Would You Like to Head
the PLO? November 15, 2004 Wanted: U.S. Attorney
General November 19, 2004 The Bush Administration Seeks
a Discreet Relationship with an Open-Minded Republican to Run the Department
of Energy November 22, 2004 The CIA is Looking for a New…Everybody! November 19, 2004 The Democratic Party is Looking
for a Leader Who Optimizes What the Democratic Party is Not December 6, 2004 U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations December 13, 2004 Wanted: National Director
of Intelligence December 27, 2004 Reposting: Secretary
of Homeland Security January 3, 2005 We Need a Punch-Up Specialist! January 17, 2005 Exciting and Fun Opportunities
in Death Squads January 24, 2005 Poll Workers Needed for Iraqi
Election January 31, 2005 Wanted: Professional
Prude, Exotic Interrogators February 7, 2005 The Catholic Church is Accepting
Resumes for a Possible Future Opening in Senior Management February 14, 2005 Softball Pitcher Needed; See
Our Ad Under “Journalism” February 21, 2005 Wanted: Ornithologist
/ Gay Deprogrammer, New Ambassador to Iraq February 28, 2005 Cook Wanted March 7, 2005 Park City, KS is Looking for
a New Municipal Code Compliance Supervisor Who Isn’t a Serial
Killer March 14, 2005 Christ Lutheran Church in Park
City, KS is Looking for a Temporary Church Council President Who
Isn’t a Serial Killer March 21, 2005 Wanted: Master of Ceremonies
for the Catholic Church’s All-Important Easter Week Ceremonies March 28, 2005 Republican Party Seeking New
Vegetable Mascot April 4, 2005 U.S. State Seeks New Freak
Magnet April 11, 2005 Needed: Discrete Memo
Writer April 18, 2005 NRA Seeks New President April 25, 2005 Wanted: Kidnappers in
Iraq May 2, 2005 Wanted: Incompetent Go-Getters
for Ethics Investigation May 9, 2005 Be a Teacher in Kansas…or
Just Talk Like One May 16, 2005 The FDA’s Advisory Committee
for Reproductive Health Drugs May 23, 2005 Wanted: Sensitive Interrogator
/ Qur’an Handlers June 6, 2005 Wanted: Teachers for
Snowflake Baby Pre-Pre-Pre-School June 13, 2005 U.S. Army Looking for Middle
Age Recruits June 27, 2005 Mental Health Professionals
Needed to Advise Guantanamo Interrogators July 5, 2005 Needed: Supreme Court
Justice July 11, 2005 Wanted: Journalist /
Jailbird July 18, 2005 Wanted: Mephistopheles July 25, 2005 Wanted: Rodeo Clown August 1, 2005 Wanted: Really, Really
Good PR Pros August 8, 2005 Got Job?—Medicinal Beverage
Company Seeks Harvesters August 15, 2005 Wanted: Vacationing President
Decoy September 12, 2005 Well-Connected Crony Sought
for Patronage Post September 19, 2005 Rebuilding Experts Needed September 26, 2005 Wanted: Discreet Bartender October 3, 2005 Wanted: Gravy Train Engineer October 10, 2005 Terrorists Wanted October 17, 2005 For Your Eyes Only: MI6
Seeks Qualified Agents October 24, 2005 North Korea Seeks Most Excellent
Cinema Directors October 31, 2005 Supreme Court Nominee November 8, 2005 Morning Talk Show Host November 14, 2005 Emergency Services Director
for Dover, PA November 21, 2005 Male Prostitutes—Multiple
Positions Available November 28, 2005 Experienced Liquidators Needed December 5, 2005 Wanted: Prostitutes in
Australia December 18, 2006 Experienced Radio Professionals
Needed by [Re]-Startup Radio Network Morning Business Report (Marc Maron
& ???) April 8, 2004 Private Sector Soldiering April 9, 2004 Gay Wedding Industry April 13, 2004 New Hyundai Dealership in Iraq April 14, 2004 Hostaging April 15, 2004 Air America Radio’s Situation
in Chicago, Los Angeles Morning Sedition Radio Theater (Mike Ferrucci
& Barry Lank) December 30, 2004 The Shadow Government #1 January 6, 2005 The Shadow Government #2, Plus
Reverse Racism Theater January 13, 2005 The Shadow Government #3, Plus
the Comedy Team of Maron and Riley January 21, 2005 The Shadow Government #4, Plus
The Lone Ranger January 28, 2005 The Shadow Government #5, Plus
News Daddy February 3, 2005 The Shadow Government #6, Plus
Marc and Mark as Ventriloquist Act Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy February 10, 2005 The Shadow Government #7, Plus
Dragnet February 17, 2005 The Shadow Government #8, Plus
News Daddy February 24, 2005 The Shadow Government #9, Plus
The War of the Worlds March 4, 2005 The Shadow Government #10,
Plus The World Yet to Come! March 10, 2005 The Shadow Government #11,
Plus Buck Rogers in an Egalitarian Century March 18, 2005 The Shadow Government #12,
Plus You Bet Your Life March 31, 2005 The Shadow Government #13,
Plus Marc Maron, This is Your Life April 7, 2005 The Shadow Government Recap April 14, 2005 The Shadow Government #14,
Plus Marc Maron, Advice Columnist April 22, 2005 The Shadow Government #15 May 20, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom Promo #1 May 20, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom Promo #2 May 27, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #1, Plus News Daddy June 3, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #2, Plus The Marc and Mark Def Poetry Jam June 9, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #3, Plus Uncle Marc’s Treehouse June 16, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #4, Plus Marc Maron’s Home Shopping Channel June 23, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #5 June 30, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #6, Plus Life of Mark Riley July 14, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #7, Plus Midnight Cowboy July 21, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #8, Plus America’s Next Top Model Intern July 28, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #9, Plus News Daddy, Supreme Court Justice August 4, 2005 Marc Maron and the Temple of
Doom #10, Plus A Streetcar Named Desire August 22, 2005 The L Word August 25, 2005 Karaoke with Mark Riley and
Wayne Gilman September 1, 2005 The Secret Summit of Morning
Sedition Writers, Producers, and Characters September 8, 2005 The Roast of Marc Maron September 15, 2005 Make Room for News Daddy September 22, 2005 Uncle Marc’s Treehouse September 29, 2005 The Morning Sedition X-Files October 6, 2005 Marc After Dark October 11, 2005 News Daddy’s Morning Sedition
Promo October 13, 2005 Marc Maron: Can I
Get a Ride Home? October 27, 2005 Morning Shedition November 11, 2005 Marc’s Upcoming Shows on
Morning Sedition Radio Theater December 1, 2005 Marc’s Future as the Host
of Entertainment Tonight December 15, 2005 The Return of Marc Maron, Private
Eye in “Who Killed Morning Sedition?” Mourning Remembrance (Jim Earl) January 10, 2005 E.R. Hager (Founder of Hagar
Slacks Company), Frank Thomas (Disney Animator), and Reed Irvine (Self-Appointed
Media Watchdog, Jackass) January 17, 2005 Gordon Greenfield (QTV Teleprompter
Business Executive), H. David Dalquist (Inventor of the Bundt Cake Pan),
and Dwight Strong (Conservative) January 24, 2005 Jay Schulberg (“Got Milk?”
Ad Agency Executive) and James Griffin (Founding Member of Bread) January 31, 2005 Thelma White (Reefer Madness
Actress) and Max Velthuijs (Children’s Book Author) February 7, 2005 Arnold Denker (Dean of American
Chess) and Eric Griffiths (Guitarist for the Quarrymen) February 14, 2005 Horace Hagedorn (Fertilizer
Giant) and Vaughn Meader (JFK Mimic) February 21, 2005 Samuel Alderson (Inventor of
Crash Test Dummies) and Lawrence Rawl (Former Exxon Chairman) February 28, 2005 Robert Kearns (Inventor of
Intermittent Wipers) and Owen Allred (Patriarch of Polygamist Group) March 14, 2005 Jef Raskin (Computer Pioneer)
and George Wackenhut (Security Expert, Founder of the Wackenhut Corporation) March 21, 2005 Nicolas Salgo (Watergate Hotel
Developer) and Paul Sawyer (NASCAR Pioneer) March 28, 2005 Paul Henning (T.V. Producer)
and John DeLorean (Auto Innovator) April 4, 2005 David Bushnell (Founder of
Bushnell Binoculars), Frank Perdue (Chicken Magnate), and Pope John
Paul II April 11, 2005 Dalia “Dale” Messick (Creator
of Brenda Starr) and Akira Yoshizawa (Origami Artist) April 18, 2005 Maynard Ramsey (Entomologist)
and Paul Perry (Political Statistician) April 25, 2005 George Molchan (Oscar Meyer
Mascot) and Diane Knippers (Conservative Christian Leader) May 2, 2005 Phillip Morrison (Builder of
the First Atomic Bomb) and J.B. Stoner (White Supremacist) May 9, 2005 Edward von Kloberg III (Public
Relations Representative for Dictators) and Ed Schantz (Botox Pioneer) May 16, 2005 Wilson A. Seibert (Ad Man)
and Zhang Chunqiao (Radical Maoist) May 23, 2005 Paul Keene (Organic Farming
Pioneer) and Henry Corden (Voice of Fred Flintstone) June 6, 2005 Thurl Ravenscroft (Voice of
Tony the Tiger) and Arnold “Arnie” Morton (Steakhouse Founder) June 13, 2005 Josephine Clay Ford (Granddaughter
of Henry Ford) and Leslie Smith (Creator of Matchbox Cars) June 27, 2005 Verne Meisner (Musician Who
Championed the Polka) and Jack Kilby (Inventor of the Microchip) July 11, 2005 Mike Yurosek (Inventor of Baby
Carrots) and Shelby Foote (Civil War Historian) July 18, 2005 Bertram Given (Developer of
the Waste King Garbage Disposal) and John Walton (Wal-Mart Heir) August 1, 2005 Chet Helms (Summer of Love
Pioneer) and Gen. William Westmoreland (Vietnam War Commander) August 9, 2005 Richard Nicholls (Father of
the Gilroy Garlic Festival) and Gerry Thomas (Inventor of the TV Dinner) August 15, 2005 Dan Taylor (Hunter of the Loch
Ness Monster) and Pauline Nicholson (Elvis Presley’s Personal Cook) August 22, 2005 Theodore Shaker (Former Head
of Arbitron Ratings) and James Dougherty (Marilyn Monroe’s First Husband) August 29, 2005 Elwood Perry (Maker of a Fishing
Lure) and Robert Moog (Synthesizer Pioneer) September 19, 2005 Bob Denver (Actor, Role Model,
and Gilligan from Gilligan’s Island) and Nell Mondy (Potato
Expert) September 26, 2005 Dr. Daniel Ruge (Ronald Reagan’s
White House Physician) and Sid Luft (Judy Garland’s Third Husband) October 3, 2005 Dr. Leo Sternbach (Creator
of Valium) and Jacob Marinsky (Co-Discoverer of Promethium) October 10, 2005 Nipsey Russell (Comedian, Game
Show Panelist) and Albert “Caesar” Tocco (Chicago Mob Boss) October 17, 2005 Arthur Seldon (Conservative
British Economist) and Tobin Armstrong (Texas Cattle Rancher) October 24, 2005 Ted Peshak (Director of Educational
Films) and Gordon Lee (Porky from the Little Rascals) October 31, 2005 Richard Smalley (Winner of
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry) and Len Dressler (Voice of the Jolly Green
Giant) November 14, 2005 Alastair G.W. Cameron (Astrophysicist
Who Developed the Giant Impact Theory) and Armand Pierre Fernandez (French-Born
Nouveaux Realist Sculptor) November 21, 2005 Rev. Adrian P. Rogers (Conservative
Baptist Leader) and Ralph Edwards (TV Pioneer) November 28, 2005 John Rice (Celebrity Dwarf)
and Ruth Siems (Inventor of Stove Top Stuffing) December 5, 2005 Michael Evans (Photographer
of Ronald Reagan) and Herbert L. Strock (TV Producer and B-Movie Director) December 12, 2005 Helen Murphy (White House Gift
Shop Manager) and Dr. William G. Speed III (Migraine Expert) February 28, 2006 Rebecca Webb Carranza (Inventor
of the Tortilla Chip) and Robert E. Rich (Inventor of Non-Dairy Whipped
Topping) February 28, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo
#1 March 7, 2006 Mitchell Rupe (Convicted Killer)
and Henry Morris (Father of Modern Creationism) March 15, 2006 Helen Petrauskas (Ford Motors
Safety Executive) and Slobodan Milosevic (Successful Banker) March 15, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo #2 Marc Maron Show Promo
#3 March 21, 2006 Rosemary Kooiman (Pagan Witch)
and Richard Kuklinski (Mafia Killer) March 28, 2006 Michael Vale (Sleepy Dunkin’
Donuts Mascot) and Hilla Futterman (Botanist, Expert on Preparing Meals
from Weeds) April 4, 2006 Caspar Weinberger (Ronald Reagan’s
Secretary of Defense) and Eugene Landy (Brian Wilson’s Therapist) April 19, 2006 Dr. Helen Ullrich (Nutritionist)
and Michael S. Joyce (Conservative) April 25, 2006 Gen. Samuel W. Koster (Military
Officer Charged in the My Lai Massacre) and Edward N. Hall (Father of
the Minuteman Missile) May 2, 2006 Dr. Charles Socarides (Champion
of Anti-Gay Therapy) and George Gerbner (Television Researcher) May 9, 2006 Allan Kaprow (Artist) and Bruce
Peterson (The Real Six Million Dollar Man) May 16, 2006 Pascal Kamar (Toymaker) and
Dr. George Lenchner (Prominent Mathematician) May 23, 2006 Lew Anderson (Clarabell the
Clown on Howdy Doody) and Herbert “Ted” Doan (Former President
and CEO of Dow Chemical Company) May 30, 2006 Joyce Ballantyne Brand (Creator
of the Coppertone Girl) and Lou Carrol (The Man Who Gave Richard Nixon
Checkers the Dog) June 7, 2006 Albert L. Weimorts (Bomb Designer)
and James Conway, Sr. (Founder of Mister Softee) June 13, 2006 Caleb D. Hammond (Mapmaker)
and Flora Gill Jacobs (World’s Authority on Dollhouses) June 20, 2006 Wesley Hill (Niagara Falls
Rescuer) and Margaret Karcher (Wife of the Founder of Carl’s Jr.) June 27, 2006 Harriet (176-Year-Old Giant
Tortoise) and Aaron Spelling (TV Producer) July 5, 2006 Ken Lay (Math Expert) and Lennie
Weinrib (Voice of H.R. Pufnstuf) July 11, 2006 Lyle Stuart (Controversial
Book Publisher) and Sir Peter Smithers (Model for James Bond) July 12, 2006 Results of the “Smithers
Requested His Remains” Joke Contest October 26, 2006 Spoony Singh (Founder of the
Hollywood Wax Museum) and Dorothy Harmsen (Co-Founder of Jolly Rancher
Candy Company) November 6, 2006 Jack E. Scholl (Foot Care Pioneer)
and Frank Gasparro (Lincoln Penny Designer) December 1, 2006 Maurice W. Graham (King of
the Hobos) and Bill Larson (Founder of Round Table Pizza) December 22, 2006 Rose Mattus (Co-Founder of
Häagen-Daz) and Joseph Barbera (Social Commentator) February 15, 2007 Charles Rudolph Walgreen, Jr.
(Drugstore King) and Anna Nicole Smith (Estate Advisor) Palm Pilot (Marc Maron
& ???) April 8, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 8, 2004 April 9, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 9, 2004 April 12, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 12, 2004 April 13, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 13, 2004 April 14, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 14, 2004 April 19, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 19, 2004 April 21, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 21, 2004 April 22, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 22, 2004 April 23, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 23, 2004 April 26, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 26, 2004 April 27, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 27, 2004 April 28, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 28, 2004 April 29, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 29, 2004 April 30, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for April 30, 2004 May 3, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 3, 2004 May 4, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 4, 2004 May 5, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 5, 2004 May 6, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 6, 2004 May 7, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 7, 2004 May 10, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 10, 2004 May 11, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 11, 2004 May 12, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 12, 2004 May 13, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 13, 2004 May 14, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 14, 2004 May 17, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 17, 2004 May 18, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 18, 2004 May 19, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 19, 2004 May 21, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 21, 2004 May 24, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 24, 2004 May 25, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 25, 2004 May 26, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 26, 2004 May 27, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 27, 2004 May 28, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for May 28, 2004 June 1, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 1, 2004 June 2, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 2, 2004 June 3, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 3, 2004 June 4, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 4, 2004 June 7, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 7, 2004 June 8, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 8, 2004 June 9, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 9, 2004 June 10, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 10, 2004 June 11, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 11, 2004 June 14, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 14, 2004 June 15, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 15, 2004 June 16, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 16, 2004 June 17, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 17, 2004 June 18, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 18, 2004 June 21, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 21, 2004 June 22, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 22, 2004 June 23, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 23, 2004 June 24, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 24, 2004 June 25, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 25, 2004 June 28, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 28, 2004 June 29, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 29, 2004 June 30, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for June 30, 2004 July 2, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 2, 2004 July 6, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 6, 2004 July 7, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 7, 2004 July 8, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 8, 2004 July 9, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 9, 2004 July 12, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 12, 2004 July 13, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 13, 2004 July 14, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 14, 2004 July 15, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 15, 2004 July 16, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 16, 2004 July 19, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 19, 2004 July 20, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 20, 2004 July 21, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 21, 2004 July 22, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 22, 2004 July 23, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 23, 2004 July 26, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 26, 2004 July 27, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 27, 2004 July 28, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 28, 2004 July 29, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 29, 2004 July 30, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for July 30, 2004 August 2, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 2, 2004 August 3, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 3, 2004 August 4, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 4, 2004 August 5, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 5, 2004 August 6, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 6, 2004 August 9, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 9, 2004 August 10, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 10, 2004 August 11, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 11, 2004 August 12, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 12, 2004 August 13, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 13, 2004 August 23, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 23, 2004 August 24, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 24, 2004 August 25, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 25, 2004 August 26, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 26, 2004 August 27, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 27, 2004 August 30, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 30, 2004 August 31, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for August 31, 2004 September 1, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 1, 2004 September 2, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 2, 2004 September 3, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 3, 2004 September 7, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 7, 2004 September 8, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 8, 2004 September 9, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 9, 2004 September 10, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 10, 2004 September 13, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 13, 2004 September 14, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 14, 2004 September 15, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 15, 2004 September 16, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 16, 2004 September 17, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 17, 2004 September 20, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 20, 2004 September 21, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 21, 2004 September 22, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 22, 2004 September 23, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 23, 2004 September 24, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 24, 2004 September 27, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 27, 2004 September 28, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 28, 2004 September 29, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 29, 2004 September 30, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for September 30, 2004 October 1, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 1, 2004 October 4, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 4, 2004 October 5, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 5, 2004 October 6, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 6, 2004 October 7, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 7, 2004 October 8, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 8, 2004 October 11, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 11, 2004 October 12, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 12, 2004 October 13, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 13, 2004 October 14, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 14, 2004 October 15, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 15, 2004 October 18, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 18, 2004 October 19, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 19, 2004 October 20, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 20, 2004 October 21, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 21, 2004 October 22, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 22, 2004 October 25, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 25, 2004 October 26, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 26, 2004 October 27, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 27, 2004 October 28, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 28, 2004 October 29, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for October 29, 2004 November 1, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 1, 2004 November 2, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 2, 2004 November 3, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 3, 2004 November 4, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 4, 2004 November 5, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 5, 2004 November 8, 2004 Clarence Thomas’ Palm Pilot
for November 8, 2004 November 9, 2004 Donald Rumsfeld’s Palm Pilot
for November 9, 2004 November 10, 2004 John Ashcroft’s Palm Pilot
for November 10, 2004 November 11, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 11, 2004 November 12, 2004 Yasser Arafat’s Palm Pilot
for November 12, 2004 November 15, 2004 Dick Cheney’s Palm Pilot
for November 15, 2004 November 16, 2004 Colin Powell’s Palm Pilot
for November 16, 2004 November 17, 2004 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for November 17, 2004 November 18, 2004 Tom DeLay’s Palm Pilot for
November 18, 2004 November 19, 2004 Bill Clinton’s Palm Pilot
for November 19, 2004 November 22, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 22, 2004 November 23, 2004 Donald Rumsfeld’s Palm Pilot
for November 23, 2004 November 24, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 24, 2004 November 29, 2004 Karl Rove’s Palm Pilot for
November 29, 2004 November 30, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 30, 2004 December 2, 2004 Donald Rumsfeld’s Palm Pilot
for December 2, 2004 December 3, 2004 Carlos Gutierrez’s Palm Pilot
for December 3, 2004 December 6, 2004 Donald Rumsfeld’s Palm Pilot
for December 6, 2004 December 7, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for December 7, 2004 December 8, 2004 Antonin Scalia’s Palm Pilot
for December 8, 2004 December 9, 2004 Donald Rumsfeld’s Palm Pilot
for December 9, 2004 December 10, 2004 Colin Powell’s Palm Pilot
for December 10, 2004 December 13, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for December 13, 2004 December 14, 2004 Bernie Kerik’s Palm Pilot
for December 14, 2004 December 15, 2004 Bernie Kerik’s Palm Pilot
for December 15, 2004 December 16, 2004 Bernie Kerik’s Palm Pilot
for December 16, 2004 December 17, 2004 Zell Miller’s Palm Pilot
for December 17, 2004 December 27, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for December 27, 2004 December 28, 2004 Victor Yushchenko’s Palm
Pilot for December 28, 2004 December 29, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for December 29, 2004 December 30, 2004 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for December 30, 2004 January 3, 2005 Colin Powell’s Palm Pilot
for January 3, 2005 January 4, 2005 Tom DeLay’s Palm Pilot for
January 4, 2005 January 5, 2005 George Bush and Bill Clinton’s
Palm Pilots for January 5, 2005 January 6, 2005 Jeb Bush’s Palm Pilot for
January 6, 2005 January 7, 2005 Alberto Gonzales’ Palm Pilot
for January 7, 2005 January 10, 2005 John Negroponte’s Palm Pilot
for January 10, 2005 January 11, 2005 Bill Clinton’s Palm Pilot
for January 11, 2005 January 12, 2005 Armstrong Williams’ for January
12, 2005 January 13, 2005 Charles Graner’s Palm Pilot
for January 13, 2005 January 14, 2005 Donald Rumsfeld’s Palm Pilot
for January 14, 2005 January 17, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for January 17, 2005 January 18, 2005 Michael Gerson’s Palm Pilot
for January 18, 2005 January 19, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for January 19, 2005 January 20, 2005 William Rehnquist’s Palm
Pilot for January 20, 2005 January 21, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for January 21, 2005 January 24, 2005 Michael Powell’s Palm Pilot
for January 24, 2005 January 25, 2005 Donald Rumsfeld’s Palm Pilot
for January 25, 2005 January 26, 2005 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for January 26, 2005 January 27, 2005 Ayad Allawi’s Palm Pilot
for January 27, 2005 January 28, 2005 John Negroponte’s Palm Pilot
for January 28, 2005 January 31, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for January 31, 2005 February 1, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for February 1, 2005 February 2, 2005 Michael Gerson’s Palm Pilot
for February 2, 2005 February 3, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for February 3, 2005 February 4, 2005 Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Palm
Pilot for February 4, 2005 February 7, 2005 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for February 7, 2005 February 8, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for February 8, 2005 February 9, 2005 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for February 9, 2005 February 10, 2005 Karl Rove’s Palm Pilot for
February 10, 2005 February 11, 2005 Kim Jong-il’s Palm Pilot
for February 11, 2005 February 14, 2005 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for February 14, 2005 February 15, 2005 Laura Bush’s Palm Pilot for
February 15, 2005 February 16, 2005 Jeff Gannon’s Palm Pilot
for February 16, 2005 February 17, 2005 Joe Lieberman’s Palm Pilot
for February 17, 2005 February 18, 2005 John Negroponte’s Palm Pilot
for February 18, 2005 February 21, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for February 21, 2005 February 22, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for February 22, 2005 February 23, 2005 Ibrahim al-Jaafari’s Palm
Pilot for February 23, 2005 February 24, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for February 24, 2005 February 25, 2005 Jeff Gannon’s Palm Pilot
for February 25, 2005 February 28, 2005 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for February 28, 2005 March 1, 2005 Alberto Gonzales’ Palm Pilot
for March 1, 2005 March 2, 2005 Frank Luntz’s Palm Pilot
for March 2, 2005 March 3, 2005 Tom DeLay’s Palm Pilot for
March 3, 2005 March 4, 2005 Antonin Scalia’s Palm Pilot
for March 4, 2005 March 7, 2005 Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Palm
Pilot for March 7, 2005 March 8, 2005 Pope John Paul II’s Palm
Pilot for March 8, 2005 March 9, 2005 Bill Clinton’s Palm Pilot
for March 9, 2005 March 10, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for March 10, 2005 March 11, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for March 11, 2005 March 14, 2005 Tom DeLay’s Palm Pilot for
March 14, 2005 March 15, 2005 Karen Hughes’ Palm Pilot
for March 15, 2005 March 16, 2005 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for March 16, 2005 March 17, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for March 17, 2005 March 18, 2005 Paul Wolfowitz’s Palm Pilot
for March 18, 2005 March 21, 2005 Condoleezza Rice’s Palm Pilot
for March 21, 2005 March 22, 2005 Tom DeLay’s Palm Pilot for
March 22, 2005 March 23, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for March 23, 2005 March 24, 2005 Paul Wolfowitz’s Palm Pilot
for March 24, 2005 March 25, 2005 Dick Cheney’s Palm Pilot
for March 25, 2005 March 28, 2005 Jeb Bush’s Palm Pilot for
March 28, 2005 March 29, 2005 Tom DeLay’s Palm Pilot for
March 29, 2005 November 29, 2005 George W. Bush’s Palm Pilot
for November 29, 2005 Pashman’s Rules (Dan Pashman) September 1, 2004 Dan Pashman at the RNC, Part
One September 3, 2004 Dan Pashman at the RNC, Part
Two September 30, 2004 A Confederacy of Dunces,
the Vote for Change Tour, and Bruce Springsteen October 4, 2004 His Report from the Vote for
Change Tour October 8, 2004 Sandwich Theory, Philly Cheesesteaks,
and Eggs Sheboygan October 19, 2004 How the Beach Boys are Better
Than the Beatles October 19, 2004 More on the Beach Boys / Beatles
Debate November 19, 2004 Concert Attendance November 24, 2004 Thanksgiving December 8, 2004 Boston, the Big Dig, and Iced
Coffee December 15, 2004 Holiday Shopping December 22, 2004 Gift Giving December 14, 2005 A Look Back at Pashman’s
Rules Pendejo the Revolutionary (Tom Johnson) April 18, 2005 First Call as the Liberal Aggressor;
He Tries to Get Marc to Join His Militant Liberal Organization (NAMBLA) April 25, 2005 Taking on Ann Coulter (BALLS) May 2, 2005 The Liberal Aggressor Calls
from His “Cover Job” at the Paramus Mall Lady Foot Locker (PUDL) May 10, 2005 Marc Receives an Invitation
to a Revolutionary Brunch (GALS) May 16, 2005 The Recruiting Drive (TEABAG) May 23, 2005 The Liberal Aggressor’s Organization
Experiences Financial Problems (LOAD) June 10, 2005 Live from the Strand Bookstore—The
Liberal Aggressor Becomes Pendejo the Revolutionary (PUTA) June 16, 2005 Arrested at the Puerto Rican
Day Parade June 24, 2005 Live from the Tea Lounge—Pendejo
is Looking for the Perfect Lieutenant…and Love July 5, 2005 Raven July 15, 2005 Live from Restaurant Florent—Pendejo
Has Trouble with Cinco Hot Revolutionary Babes July 25, 2005 Pendejo is Trapped in Cleveland
with Wynonna, the Anti-Taxation Road Mama August 5, 2005 Live from CBGB’s—Pendejo
Gives Up on Women, and Decides That He Wants to Be a Musician August 12, 2005 Live from O’Neill’s Restaurant—Pendejo
and Stompers Hit Marc Up for Breakfast August 30, 2005 Morning Sedition Promo
#1 August 31, 2005 Morning Sedition Promo
#2 September 9, 2005 Live from the New School—At
His Last Appearance, Pendejo Tries to Impress His Sister with His Life
as a Revolutionary Planet Bush with Lawton Smalls (Kent Jones) September 30, 2004 First Call—Lawton’s Reaction
to the First Presidential Debate: Everything’s Going So Well
in Iraq October 6, 2004 The Vice-Presidential Debate:
Dick Cheney Looked So Presidential, and Poor John Edwards is Only Twelve October 11, 2004 The Second Presidential Debate:
Bush Ushered Us Into a New Era of Statesmanship October 13, 2004 Lawton’s Prediction for the
Third Presidential Debate: Bush was Magnificent.
Strong. Safe. Good Job. October 15, 2004 Democrats Have Stolen Every
Election Since 1932, and John Kerry is More Liberal Than Ted Kennedy October 19, 2004 Freedom is on the March, and
the Only States That Don’t Support Bush are Manhattan and San Francisco October 21, 2004 Even If the Terrorists Vaporize
Our Beloved Homeland, We’d Still Be Safer and More Secure Than Ever October 25, 2004 A Bush Supreme Court Would
Have a Completely Nonpartisan Approach…to Stamping Out Roe v. Wade October 27, 2004 Voting for Bush is Committing
the Most Wonderful Patriot Act of All, and Voting for Kerry is an Act
of Terrorism October 29, 2004 The Iraqi People Mistook 380
Tons of Missing Explosives as the Ingredients for Candy for Our Troops November 2, 2004 Election Day—People Can Vote
All They Like, but It’s Not Going to Affect the Electoral Process November 4, 2004 Post-Election—This is a Time
for Joyful Gratitude, as Bush Won Over 100% of the Popular and Electoral
Vote November 8, 2004 Electronic Voting Machines
are Computerized, and It’s Mathematically Impossible for a Computer
to Malfunction November 10, 2004 We’ve Won the Peace in Iraq,
and We Win the War Every Day November 15, 2004 Bush’s Appointment of Alberto
Gonzales as Attorney General is Proof That as Long as You’re and American
Citizen You Can Achieve Anything…Even If You are an Illegal Alien November 17, 2004 The People Leaving Bush’s
Cabinet are Traitors Who Were Known to Have Minor Disagreements with
Him November 19, 2004 Bill Clinton was Controlled
by His Wife, and Owes His Success to Ronald Reagan November 23, 2004 Homosexuality was Invented
in the 1970s, and was Caused by the Jungle Carnality of Disco November 29, 2004 The Media Exists to Serve the
President, and That 112-Year-Old Dan Rather was Frightening the Children November 30, 2004 Lawton Calls Unfiltered
Seeking Donations for the Second Bush Inauguration December 2, 2004 Bush’s Minority Cabinet Appointments
are Proof That the System Works, and That Everyone Has the Same Chance
to Succeed December 6, 2004 Sturch December 8, 2004 The Only Way to Properly Enjoy
Sexual Relations is to Refrain from Having Them December 10, 2004 Live from the Someday Cafe—Massachusetts
is for Tax-Loving, Homo-Hugging, American-Hating, Communist Frenchmen
Named Kennedy December 13, 2004 Public Monuments Displaying
the Ten Commandments Prevent Public Gay Sex December 15, 2004 The New Deal is Old Stealing,
and It’s High Time That State-Sponsored Communism Bit the Dust December 17, 2004 The Assault on Christmas is
Unconscionable; Lawton Sings a Hymn to the Sturch December 27, 2004 Bush is a War-Time President,
and Shouldn’t Have to Complicate His Life with Death and Mortality December 29, 2004 The Sooner Bush’s Judicial
Nominations are Approved, the Sooner We Can Start Dismantling the Dead
Weight That’s Been Holding Up Our Justice System…Like Lawyers and
Juries and Laws January 3, 2005 Lawton’s New Year Resolutions January 5, 2005 Tort Reform is About Helping
Unprotected Victims, Like Tobacco Companies and the Producers of Asbestos January 7, 2005 Lawton’s Thoughts on the
Bush Administration’s Response to the Tsunami Tragedy January 11, 2005 Politicians Pay Lip Service
to Supporting Independent Journalism, but Bush is Willing to Pay Good
Money for It January 13, 2005 Bush Gets His Scientific Information
from Sources Whose Minds Aren’t Clouded by Science January 18, 2005 Social Security is a Looming
Crisis, and Seniors Don’t Need Government Benefits Anymore January 20, 2005 Ignoreguration Day—Bizarro
Planet Bush January 25, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to Bush’s
Inaugural Speech—Bush is Serious About Liberty and Freedom Because
He Kept Saying Those Words Over and Over January 27, 2005 Iraqis Will be Inspired to
Vote Because Americans Risk Death Every Time We Go to the Polls February 1, 2005 Democracy in Iraq Hasn’t
Just Arrived, It’s Arrived in Bulk! Plus, Lawton Sings “Proud
to Live in a Free Iraq” February 3, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to the
State of the Union Address February 8, 2005 Howard Dean is a Liberal Frankenstein February 10, 2005 Lawton Discusses President
Bush’s Budget “Adjustments” February 15, 2005 War with North Korea Would
be Like M*A*S*H, and Asia’s Not Going to Be a Real Player in
the Future Anyway February 17, 2005 All Journalists are Like Jeff
Gannon February 18, 2005 From The Randi Rhodes Show—Poor
Randi, Killed by Art February 22, 2005 Bush in Europe; It’s Magnificent
How President Bush is Sacrificing Himself to Bring Them Up to Our Level February 24, 2005 The Sixties are Over, and the
Counterculture’s Dead February 25, 2005 From The Randi Rhodes Show—The
Sixties are Over, and the Counterculture’s Dead, Take Two March 1, 2005 Social Security is the Worst
Economic Crisis in American History, and the Great Depression was the
Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on the American People March 3, 2005 The Bush Administration is
Pro-Elderly, but Anti-Old March 8, 2005 Lawton Interprets the Ten Commandments
for the Morning Sedition Audience March 10, 2005 Lawton is Promoted to Planet
Bush Bureau Chief, and Prepares to Vacation at a Caribbean Resort March 22, 2005 While Marc Maron’s on Vacation,
Lawton Tries Talking to Mark Riley and Guest Host Mick Foley March 29, 2005 The Culture of Life Celebrates
All Forms of Life, from a Tiny Glob of Unthinking Cells Inside a Woman’s
Uterus, to a Great Big Glob of Unthinking Cells Lying in a Florida Hospital
Bed March 31, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to the
Air America Radio Documentary Left of the Dial, or “Why Air
America Radio Failed” April 5, 2005 Pope John Paul II and George
W. Bush Were Two Peas in a Jesus Pod April 7, 2005 We’re One Nation Under God,
Which Means We’re Over Everybody Else! Number One Forever! April 12, 2005 Democrats are Waging an Irresponsible
Media Campaign Against Poor, Little Old Tom DeLay April 14, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to the
T.V. Movie Revelations—Conservative Thinking is Spreading Into
the Liberal Media April 19, 2005 We Need Us a New Pope April 21, 2005 When an Experienced Oil Man
Like Bush Says We Should Drill in ANWR, That Means Right Now! April 26, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to Justice
Sunday April 28, 2005 President Bush is Kicking His
Presidency Up a Notch…BAM! May 3, 2005 Since Democrats Used the Ethics
Committee to Investigate Poor, Little Old Tom DeLay, the Republicans
are Going to Use It to Investigate Some Seriously Crooked Congressional
Democrats May 5, 2005 How are We Supposed to Create
a Sturch with Muslims on the Court? Would a Muslim Judge Show
Pity on a Poor, Persecuted Fella Like Ken Lay? May 12, 2005 PBS is a Poo Poo Platter of
Liberal Bias May 20, 2005 Lawton on Bush’s Ability
to Prioritize, and How Highways are a Privilege, Not a Right May 24, 2005 Star Wars: Episode
III is a Liberal Disaster, and the Obstructionist Jedi are Your
Typical Fancy Pants Elitist May 31, 2005 For Memorial Day, Lawton Explains
Why You’ve Got to Have War June 3, 2005 Live from City Bakery—Lawton
Asks Why People Live in New York, Which is the Gay, Liberal, Godless,
Secular Agenda Vomited Out Over a Giant City Grid! It’s Sodom
on the Hudson! June 7, 2005 The Iraqi Insurgents are in
Their Last Throes; We Shocked and Awed Them Right on Outta There June 10, 2005 Live from the Strand Bookstore—Eighteen
Miles of Lies! June 14, 2005 Polls Lawton Took on Himself
are Every Bit as Solid as the Biased Surveys from Some Liberal Database June 21, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to the
Downing Street Memo June 24, 2005 Live from the Tea Lounge—Lawton’s
First Time in Brooklyn; His Reactions to Gay Pride Week June 28, 2005 Karl Rove is a Divider, Not
a Uniter…and He’s Hilarious! July 5, 2005 Lawton Recounts the Fourth
of July Festivities on Planet Bush, and Reads from a Special Copy of
the Declaration of Independence from Bob Jones University July 8, 2005 Live from Vox Pop—Lawton
Announces That He’s Joined the Truth Tour, and He’s Leaving for
Iraq July 12, 2005 Lawton in Iraq, Part 1—Lawton
on the Situation in Iraq…from His Hotel Room July 13, 2005 Lawton in Iraq, Part 2—Lawton’s
Kicked Out of the Compound, and Gets Abducted by Militant Insurgents July 15, 2005 Lawton in Iraq, Part 3—Lawton
Hostage Tape #1 July 19, 2005 Lawton in Iraq, Part 4—Lawton
Hostage Tape #2 July 20, 2005 Lawton in Iraq, Part 5—Lawton
Hostage Tape #3 July 21, 2005 Lawton in Iraq, Part 6—Lawton
Escapes the Militant Insurgents; Returns to the United States July 22, 2005 Live from the Tea Lounge—Lawton
Recounts His Hostage Experience, Tries to Spin His “Escape,” and
Wonders Why Nobody Paid His Ransom July 26, 2005 Harry Potter is a Gateway Drug August 2, 2005 The Only Reason That Bush is
Against Stem Cell Research is Because Its Ultimate Goal is to Clone
Him August 5, 2005 Live from CBGB’s—The
Dukes of Hazzard Mocks Southern People and Demeans Southern Culture August 9, 2005 All Hip People Believe in Intelligent
Design, and Evolution is So Platform Shoes and Leisure Suits August 12, 2005 Live from O’Neill’s Restaurant—Bush’s
Long Vacations are a Well-Earned Rest for All the Hard Work He Does August 16, 2005 Lawton on the America Supports
You Freedom Walk August 19, 2005 Live from Amy Ruth’s—Lawton
on Race Relations on Planet Bush…and East Planet Bush August 22, 2005 Morning Sedition Promo
#1 August 23, 2005 Morning Sedition Promo
#2 September 6, 2005 Lawton on the Aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina—America is So Lucky the Lord Has Blessed Us with
Such a Strong, Capable, and Compassionate Leader as George W. Bush September 9, 2005 Live from the New School—Bush
is Easily the Most Progressive President When It Comes to Race September 13, 2005 You’ve Got to Pick Your Friends,
and Give Me Loyalty Every Time! Heck of a Job, Brownie! September 21, 2005 Lawton Wants to Be Appointed
to the Supreme Court September 23, 2005 Live from the XM Studios in
Washington, DC—Marc Helps a Starstruck Lawton Practice Talking to
Bush September 27, 2005 Lawton’s Plan to Fund Katrina
Recovery: Eliminate Funding for Public Television, Public Radio,
and the National Endowment for the Arts; Get Rid of All the Public Schools,
and Put Children Into the Workplace and the Military October 7, 2005 Live from Maxwell’s—What
Attorney Ronnie Earle is Doing to Poor, Little Old Tom DeLay is Pure
Evil October 14, 2005 Live from Restaurant Florent—Marc
Recounts the Conservative Critics of Harriet Miers, and Forces Lawton
to Choose Between His Values and His President October 26, 2005 President Bush is on a Losing
Streak and is Cracking Up…and So is Lawton October 28, 2005 Lawton on the Right’s Smear
Campaign Against Patrick Fitzgerald and How Perjury’s a Technicality,
Unless It’s About Dirty Sex in the White House with a Fat Intern November 3, 2005 Live from O’Neill’s Restaurant—In
the Wake of Morning Sedition’s Cancellation, Karl Rove Authorizes
Lawton to Offer Marc a Lucrative Job Opportunity November 11, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to Republican
Election Defeats, as Well as the Defeat of Schwarzenegger’s Ballot
Initiatives November 18, 2005 Lawton’s Reaction to Bush’s
Isolation and Daily Contact with Only Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, Condoleezza
Rice, and Karen Hughes—He Has a Strong Feminine Side and Understands
Women December 2, 2005 Lawton on Jerry Falwell’s
“Friend or Foe” Christmas Campaign, and Admits That He’s Part
Jewish December 9, 2005 Lawton Lists Reasons for Marc
Not to Go to California, and Offers to Let Him Stay at His House on
Planet Bush December 13, 2005 The Liberal Confessional:
Lawton Meets Jenna, His Biggest Fan December 16, 2005 For the Last Morning Sedition
Broadcast, Lawton Appears In-Studio to Say Goodbye to Marc and to Share
a Highlight Reel of Their Greatest Moments Together March 2, 2006 First Call to The
Marc Maron Show—Lawton Criticizes Brokeback Mountain, and
Offers New Listeners a Primer to His Relationship with Marc Maron March 16, 2006 Americans Shouldn’t Criticize
Bush Because Iran is Listening March 16, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo
#1 March 22, 2006 President Bush Plus Iraq Equals
Optimism, and Liberals are Toxic with Negativity March 22, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo
#2 April 6, 2006 Lawton’s Reaction to Tom
DeLay Resignation from Congress—Tom DeLay for President! April 13, 2006 The Bush Administration is
Going to Nuke Iran, and Lawton Thinks That It’s Fantastic April 25, 2006 Lawton on Scott McClellan’s
Resignation, and Volunteers to Be the Next White House Press Secretary May 2, 2006 Gas Prices are Still Pretty
Low, and Oil Companies are a Persecuted Minority May 11, 2006 Lawton Prepares to Give the
Commencement Address at Planet Bush High School May 11, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo
#3 May 17, 2006 The NSA is Spying on American
Citizens Because One Out of Three Americans Works Directly for al-Qaeda;
Lawton Requests That the NSA Track All of His Phone Calls (Featuring
Marc’s NSA Guy) May 24, 2006 Lawton on Hurricane Season:
“Pat Robertson is My Weather Channel” June 7, 2006 Lawton’s Reaction to President
Bush’s Proposed Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage June 20, 2006 We’ve Turned the Corner in
Iraq, and There’s the Morning Sun! Our Truth is Marching Over
Everybody Else! July 13, 2006 Last Call to The Marc Maron
Show—The Future of Planet Bush September 20, 2006 Alone and Abandoned, Lawton
Calls The Sam Seder Show October 11, 2006 Lawton Calls The Sam Seder
Show Again—The Mark Foley Scandal is Bill and Hillary Clinton’s
Fault November 6, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts Springer
on the Radio—Democrats are Running the Dirtiest Campaign in the
History of the World November 7, 2006 (1) Send Out the Clowns:
Election 2006 Coverage, Part One—Lawton Meets Rachel Maddow, and Gives
His Predictions for the Midterm Elections November 7, 2006 (2) Send Out the Clowns:
Election 2006 Coverage, Part Two—Lawton Finds Out That the Republicans
Lost December 1, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Sam Seder Show—Lawton Resurfaces After a Three Week Absence Looking
Forward to Both Parties Working Side by Side to Create a Bright Future
for This Great Country December 21, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Sam Seder Show—Barack Obama is Part of a Plot by the Ayatollah
Khomeini to Bring the Jihad to White Christian America February 15, 2007 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
[Former] Al Franken Show—Al “Zero Terms, No Mandate” Gore
Has About as Much Chance of Being President as Al Franken Has of Being
Senator October 9, 2007 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Rachel Maddow Show—The State Children’s Health Program is an
Obscene Entitlement Program, and Millions of Kids Have Written Letters
to Bush Thanking Him for Not Giving Them Health Insurance April 14, 2008 Lawton Calls American Afternoon
with Richard Belzer—History is Going to Say “Thank You, Jesus”
That We Had George W. “Two Terms, Mandate” Bush for Eight Glorious
Years April 15, 2008 Lawton Calls American Afternoon
with Richard Belzer—Make Show Business Pay for the War April 16, 2008 Lawton Appears In-Studio for
American Afternoon with Richard Belzer—Bruce Springsteen and Barack
Hussein Obama are Two Peas in an Elitist Pod; Lawton Takes Some Calls
from Listeners May 29, 2008 Marc Maron Guest Hosts American
Afternoon—Lawton’s Reaction to Scott McClellan’s Critical
Memoir on the Bush Administration: “Zip It, Gossip Girl!” July 2, 2008 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Thom Hartmann Program—Lawton’s Pick for McCain’s Vice Presidential
Candidate: Dick Cheney! “McCain / Cheney: Change
Without Change!” Pollux, the Conspiracy Guy (Bruce Cherry) January 10, 2005 The Native Hmong of Southeast
Asia Possess an Ability to Accelerate Evolution, and the CIA is Using
Hmong Refugees to Jump-Start the Development of Fungi in Wisconsin for
Use as a Weapon January 17, 2005 Scientists are Developing Techniques
to Harness Rats and Flies for Spying January 24, 2005 The Tool-Using Crows of New
Caladonia are Being Bred to Launch an Attack from Syracuse, NY, and
the Internet is Retarding Human Progress January 31, 2005 The World is Run by a Secret
Cabal of Artisans Who Safeguard Their Secrets in Art February 7, 2005 Satanists are Hastening the
End of the World by Genetically Engineering the Antichrist Using Human,
Spider, and Goat DNA February 28, 2005 The National ID Program is
the First Step Towards Mandatory Implanted Biochips, and the Recently-Developed
Libido Meter Will Track the Sexual Arousal of Tagged Americans Product Placement
Minute July 21, 2005 The Palm Beach Hotel, Eskimo
Pies, and Klondike Bars July 28, 2005 Lions Gate Film’s The
Devil’s Rejects, Coleman Northstar Lanterns, and Pepsi Edge August 3, 2005 Dinty Moore Beef Stew August 11, 2005 Aquatrim Shower Massager August 15, 2005 Lamar Seafood September 7, 2005 Depend Super Plus Absorbency
Adult Diapers September 15, 2005 Moon Volcanic Pumice Stones September 26, 2005 The Arliss General Day Spa
of Staten Island October 3, 2005 The Joke A Day Internet Subscription
Service October 11, 2005 Dr. Carl Ginsberg and the Digestive
Clinic of Hudson Valley October 18, 2005 Items from the QVC Home Shopping
Network October 25, 2005 JDate November 2, 2005 The Hells-A-Frenzy 6
Video Game November 10, 2005 Greenleaf Solution SupgerGel
Vomit Absorbent November 18, 2005 Butterball Turkey December 5, 2005 Bodies…The Exhibition and
Bakers Square Pies Professor William Chandler (Jim Earl) June 21, 2006 On His Harpers Article
“Democracy in Transition: How America Learned from Its Ten Greatest
Mistakes” December 20, 2006 On His Book Iraq:
Seeds of Division Rapture Watch with Cardinal Milfington (Jim Earl) September 9, 2004 A NASA Space Capsule Bearing
Atomic Specimens from Deep Space Crash Lands in Utah, Most Likely at
the Beckoning of Some Matronly Polygamous Perverts! September 16, 2004 MIT Has Built a Miniature Robot
That Can Walk on Water…to Mock God! Robots Hate God and Our
Way of Life! September 23, 2004 Deaf Children in Nicaragua
Have Developed Their Own Sign Language…Truly a Sign of the Rapture!
How Can Children Be Taught the Values of Guilt and Self-Hate Without
the Guiding Hand of a Skilled Clergyman? September 30, 2004 A Spanish Company Has Set Up
a Website Where People Who Want to Send an Email After They Die Can
Do So for a Price…Their Soul! October 7, 2004 Earthquakes in Central California
and Volcano Eruptions in Washington State Prove That Jesus Doesn’t
Like the Perverted San Joaquin Valley or Immigrant Farm Workers! October 14, 2004 Those Sick Fiends in the U.S.
Senate are About to Pass Their Version of House Bill H.R. 10, Which
Would Standardize the Process of Issuing Drivers Licenses. Say
Goodbye to Jesus, and Say Hello to the Mark of Satan, the One World
Order, and the Dutch Telling Us What to Do! October 21, 2004 The FDA Has Just Approved the
Implantation of Computer Chips in People for Medical Purposes…It’s
the Mark of Satan! October 28, 2004 On Election Day, One of Three
Great Satans Will Be Elected Head Great Satan! The Result:
Global War, Locusts, Hurricanes, and Dry, Cold Weather Creating Evil
Static Cling in Your Hair! November 4, 2004 Holy Crap! Bush is the Devil! November 11, 2004 Attorney General John Ashcroft
Has Resigned. His Mission is Done, and He’s Busy Packing His
Bags to Sit at the Throne of God. November 18, 2004 Some Godless Harlot in Hollywood
is Using eBay to Sell a Ten Year-Old Grilled Cheese Sandwich She Claims
Bears the Image of the Virgin Mary! December 3, 2004 Swarms of Locusts are Now Devouring
Israel, Egypt, and Palestine; the Invasion is Causing These Countries
to Unite Against Insects, Instead of Concentrating on What They Should
Be Doing…Killing Each Other! December 9, 2004 Medicine Will Soon Be Able
to Make People Live Up To 1,000 Years…Heresy! December 16, 2004 Christmas, the Most Pagan of
Holidays Not Sanctioned by the Bible! December 30, 2004 President Bush Just Signed
a Bill Requiring the DMV and Department of Transportation to Standardize
Drivers Licenses…It’s the Mark of Satan! December 30, 2004 Rev. Al Sharpton for Rapture
Watch! January 7, 2005 The Indian Ocean Earthquake
Caused the Planet to Wobble Off Its Axis, Permanently Accelerating Earth’s
Rotation and Shortening the Length of the Average Day…Allowing Jesus
to Return Faster! January 14, 2005 A Giant Iceberg the Size of
Long Island is Going to Collide with Antarctica! Plus, the Cardinal
Promotes His New Book He’s Just Not That Into You! January 21, 2005 Crusading American Soldiers
Have Inflicted Widespread Destruction on the Ancient City of Babylon! January 28, 2005 Because of Global Warming,
Earth May Have Already Reached the Point of No Return in Terms of Total
Climate Disaster! February 4, 2005 Scientists Around the World
are Creating Hybrid Creatures That are Part Human, Part Animal! February 11, 2005 The University of California
is Considering Inserting Barcodes and Radio Frequency Devices in Cadavers…the
Mark of Satan! February 18, 2005 The Pentagon Has Developed
a Luciferous $127 Billion Project to Replace Soldiers with Robots! February 25, 2005 Los Angeles’ Unprecedented
Deadly Rainstorms are God’s Powerful Vengeance Against Turn-of-the-Century
Craftsman Style Bungalows! March 4, 2005 A Ford Contour Belonging to
a Man in Bismarck, OK Was Stolen Three Times in Six Days…666!
Also, Listener (and Sinner) Steven Doyle Critiques the Cardinal’s
Vocabulary! March 18, 2005 The Godless Jew Paul Wolfowitz
Has Been Nominated Head of the World Bank…or the Wolfowitz Bank of
Gog! March 25, 2005 A Married Couple in South Dakota
is Selling Scented Candles, Which They Claim Bear the Essence of Christ! April 1, 2005 According to a Report Backed
by 1,360 Scientists from 95 Countries, the Human Race is Living Beyond
Its Means! April 8, 2005 The Pope is Dead, and His Death
Will Herald the Rise of the False Prophet and the Apocalypse! April 15, 2005 Next Month a Company in Valencia,
CA Will Start Selling a Talking Jesus Doll That Can Recite Biblical
Verses When You Push the Button on His Back…Just Like the Real Jesus!
This Doll is Clearly the Antichrist! April 22, 2005 An Oily Salt Stain in the Shape
of the Virgin Mary Appeared on an Underpass in Illinois! Plus,
the Rev. Barry Lynn for Rapture Watch! April 29, 2005 Syria Withdrew Its Forces from
Lebanon! And, Using the Latest Bible Code Software Version 6.6.5,
the Secret Message of the Book of Hosea Can Be Decoded: God Hates
Fags! May 6, 2005 The World's Biggest Ever Religious
Theme Park is About to Open on the Ganges River in India, and This Six
Flags Over Sodom Means the End of the World! May 13, 2005 Using Spectral Imagery to Examine
2,000 Year-Old Biblical Fragments, Researchers Have Discovered the Sign
of the Beast is Not 666, but 616! May 20, 2005 The USDA Wants to Put IDs on
This Nation’s Livestock by 2009 and, as St. Augustine Himself Found
Out, There’s No Fighting Satan’s Temptations Once He Gets His Hands
on Your Meat! May 27, 2005 It is the Official Policy of
Saudi Arabia’s Government to Burn, Shred, or Dump Bibles, Crosses,
and Other Christian Paraphernalia! June 3, 2005 Live from City Bakery—Australia
is Suffering from one of the Worst Droughts of the Century! June 10, 2005 Live from the Strand Bookstore—Texas
and Louisiana are Sinking Into the Gulf of Mexico, Meaning Houston,
Galveston, Brownsville, and Port Arthur are Now Vulnerable to Catastrophic
Flooding! June 17, 2005 The United States Will Soon
Require All Passports to Contain Digital Photos and Embedded Biometric
Chips…the Mark of the Beast! Plus, Wayne Gilman! June 24, 2005 Live from the Tea Lounge—A
Colossal Midwestern Earthquake That Two Hundred Years Ago Reversed the
Course of the Mississippi River Could Happen Again Soon! July 1, 2005 Scientists at the Safar Center
for Resuscitation Research are Now Able to Revive Dogs That Have Been
Clinically Dead for Three Hours! July 8, 2005 Live from Vox Pop—Scientists
in Britain Has Invented a Satellite That Can Stop Your Car from Driving
Over the Speed Limit! Soon Your Local DMV Will Be Tracking Your
Every Move with Computer Chips! July 15, 2005 Live from Restaurant Florent—A
Company in Scotland is Now Selling Golf Balls Inscribed with Bible Verses!
This is Clearly the Work of Satan Seeking to Put the Mark of the Beast
Upon Our Balls! July 22, 2005 Live from the Tea Lounge—Scientists
Have Recorded the Actual Sounds of Last December’s Catastrophic Earthquake
in the Indian Ocean Using Underwater Microphones…It’s the Very Scream
of Satan! August 5, 2005 Live from CBGB’s—Twentieth
Century Fox is Making a Remake of The Omen, Which They’re Releasing
on 06/06/06, and They’re Looking for a Child to Play Damien, Son of
Satan! Casting the Part of the Antichrist is a Sign of the Antichrist! August 19, 2005 Live from Amy Ruth’s—Japanese
Researchers Have Invented an Artificial Skin That Will Now Give Robots
the Ability to Feel Things…Like Humans! August 23, 2005 Morning Sedition Promo August 26, 2005 Giant Frogs are Invading France!
Mon Dieu! September 23, 2005 Live from the XM Studios in
Washington, DC—A Medical Clinic in Ohio is Going to Perform the World’s
First Face Transplant Using Faces Donated by Dead People! September 30, 2005 Satanic Nerds at MIT Have Unveiled
an Affordable Laptop Computer! They’re Electronic Emissaries
of the Dark One! October 7, 2005 Live from Maxwell’s—Roman
Catholic Bishops in Britain are Telling People Not Take Bible Literally! October 14, 2005 Live from Restaurant Florent—Japan
is Going to Require Owners of Dangerous Exotic Pets and Animals to Implant
GPS Microchips Into Them So They Can Be Tracked! Satan is Assembling
His Remote-Controlled Beast Army to Invade America! October 28, 2005 The Exxon Mobil Corporation
is Spending Half a Billion Dollars to Control Pollution at Its Oil Refineries!
How Dare They Touch God’s Work! November 3, 2005 Live from O’Neill’s Restaurant—Scientists
are Going to Fight Bird Flu by Genetically Modifying Chickens, Helping
Satan Create His Evil Army of Chicken Robots! November 11, 2005 A Massive Star is Now Moving
at Fantastic Speeds Near the Outer Limits of the Milky Way! Plus,
Jim Earl Radio Theatre! November 18, 2005 Scientists in India Have Unearthed
Slime Mold Fossils That Have Been Fused Together in the Godless Fornication
for Over 65 Million Years! Plus, Mr. Nibbles! December 2, 2005 In Sacramento, CA, a Statue
of the Virgin Mary is Crying Tears of Blood! December 7, 2005 A New Species of Carnivorous
Mammal Has Been Spotted on the Island of Borneo! This Luciferic
Creature is Almost Certainly the Result of Christ’s Anger at Gay People
Being Allowed to Celebrate Christmas! December 14, 2005 A Planetoid 360 Yards Wide
Named Asteroid 99942 is Going to Hit the Earth in 30 Years! Plus,
Susan Sarandon! March 3, 2006 The University of Florida is
Requiring Employees to Pledge to Have Sex with Their Domestic Partners
in Order to Qualify for Health Benefits! March 3, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo
#1 March 3, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo
#2 March 17, 2006 The Image of Jesus Miraculously
Appeared in a Plate of Burned Manicotti in Florida, and the Man Who
Ate It Says a Chronic Stomach Ailment He’s Had Since Birth Vanished! March 24, 2006 The Planet Jupiter Has Developed
a Second Red Spot! March 24, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo
#3 April 28, 2006 A Student Newspaper at the
University of Oregon Publishes Cartoons Showing Jesus Christ Naked with
an Erection! June 23, 2006 It is Now Possible to Build
an Invisibility Cloak, Allowing Satan and His Minions to Walk Unnoticed
Amongst Our Christian Bedrooms and Nerds to Avoid Beatings by the Cool
Kids! November 6, 2006 The Democrats Will Win the
Midterm Elections, Which Will Trigger the Rapture and Cause the Nation
to Collapse into Economic Chaos! December 1, 2006 The United States Will Start
Releasing New Dollar Coins, and They’re Moving “In God We Trust”
from the Face of the Coin to the Edges! Sammy the Stem Cell (Jim Earl) May 26, 2005 I’m Sacred Life! Tom
DeLay Said So! June 1, 2005 Life is Sacred! You Can’t
Kill Me! June 10, 2005 Hey, I’m Life, and Your Wife
Knows It! June 17, 2005 A Message from the Speck is
the Life Ministries; Sammy Kills Tommy the Stem Cell June 23, 2005 Sammy Answers Hippy Email and
Performs His Theme Song July 14, 2005 I Want to Grow Up to Be Hitler! August 4, 2005 Sammy the Scientologist August 12, 2005 Sammy Reacts to a Poll Claiming
That Americans Support Stem Cell Research September 23, 2005 Sammy the Crackhead Stem Cell October 13, 2005 Sammy and His Jewish Writer October 20, 2005 The “I Don’t Care” Bell October 26, 2005 Prussian Blue November 29, 2005 Jim Earl Radio Theater:
Marc Has an Out-of-Body Experience December 1, 2005 Sammy Meets Tim Robbins December 15, 2005 The Death of Sammy the Stem
Cell December 15, 2005 Sammy the Stem Cell’s Theme
Music March 1, 2006 Maybe Children Wouldn’t Get
So Much Cancer if They Weren’t So Bad! April 14, 2006 Sammy Reacts to Stem Cell News
from Ireland May 12, 2006 Sammy is at Peace with Stem
Cell Research, and Decides That He’s Jesus May 12, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo June 12, 2006 I Want to Grow Up to Be Ann
Coulter! July 7, 2006 Sammy Quits The Marc Maron
Show, and Gets a Job with Don Imus Slander Minute with Ted Fields (Barry Lank) August 11, 2005 American UN Ambassador John
Bolton Has Not Gotten Re-Certified for First Aid in CPR for Six Years,
and He’s a Lesbian August 18, 2005 Political Operative James Tobin
Once Got Rid of a Couch by Just Moving Out and Leaving It, and Dick
Cheney was Created Using the Same Software Program as Max Headroom August 23, 2005 Governor Robert Taft is the
Great-Grandson of President William Howard Taft, and He Killed a Guy
with a Hoe September 7, 2005 In Addition to Running FEMA,
Michael Brown Led the Cincinnati Bengals to a Series of Losing Seasons…and
He Punched a Baby September 16, 2005 Supreme Court Nominee John
Roberts Believes That Justices Should Only Play a Limited Role in Government;
He Also Ate a Kid and Cut Up Strom Thurmond into Savory Marinated Cubes September 21, 2005 Former Director of the Office
of Procurement Policy David Safavian Stabbed a Hooker to Death…with
a Lobster! September 28, 2005 Republican Senator Bill Frist
Died Alone in a Giant Mansion, Uttering the Mysterious Word “Rosebud” October 5, 2005 Supreme Court Nominee Harriet
Miers was the Host of TV’s Late Night with Harriet Miers October 19, 2005 New York Times Reporter
Judith Miller Killed Alexander Hamilton in a Famous Duel in 1804 October 24, 2005 Saddam Hussein Stole at Least
$1,000 from His Government’s Budget, and He Killed a Guy November 1, 2005 Supreme Court Nominee Samuel
Alito Possesses Weapons of Mass Destruction and Poses a Direct Threat
to Our National Security November 9, 2005 When It Was a Teenager, France
Had an Affair with Its High School Biology Teacher and Ended Up Having
an Abortion November 16, 2005 The Avian Flu Not Only is Ready
to Jump to Humans, but It Has Jumped Several Humans in the New York
Waterfront Area, and Stolen Their Wallets and Handbags November 28, 2005 Marc Maron is Leaving Morning
Sedition Because He’s Fallen Off the Wagon December 9, 2005 Marc Maron and Senator Joe
Lieberman Were Involved in a Gay Domestic Abuse Incident in a Washington,
DC Motel, and Michael Moore Has Been Exposing Himself Students at the
Texas Culinary Academy December 14, 2005 The Universe is Decaying Because
of Liberals, and Mark Riley Has Been Scheming to Get Marc Maron Kicked
Off of Morning Sedition Svetlana the Russian Prostitute (Iris Bahr) March 6, 2006 Debut as The Marc Maron
Show’s Entertainment Correspondent; Svetlana Reviews the Academy
Awards, Brokeback Mountain, and Crash March 23, 2006 Svetlana Reviews Thank You
for Smoking, Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector,
Breaking the Waves, and House of Sand and Fog; Reflects on
Sex with Orrin Hatch and How Vodka Can Eliminate Armpit Stains April 6, 2006 Svetlana Maintains That “Rainy
Days, Great for BJs,” Reviews Inside Man, and Disses Natalie
Portman April 26, 2006 Svetlana Goes on Her First
Date in Years, Reviews Flight 93, and Reflects on Her Torrid
Affair with Osama bin Laden May 9, 2006 Svetlana Attends the Coachella
Music Festival with Madonna, and Reviews Mission Impossible III June 9, 2006 Svetlana Reviews An Inconvenient
Truth and The Da Vinci Code, Bashes Ann Coulter, and Considers
Becoming More Eco-Friendly June 21, 2006 Svetlana Reviews Nacho Libre
and Talks About World Cup Soccer, Her Days on the College Circuit, and
her Relationship with Condoleezza Rice July 11, 2006 Svetlana Says Goodbye to Marc
and The Marc Maron Show; Reviews A Scanner Darkly and
Superman Returns; She Talks About World Cup Soccer, Sex with Kim
Jong-il, and Middle Eastern Politics December 1, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Sam Seder Show—Svetlana Returns as Part of Iris Bahr’s Interview
for Dai December 19, 2006 Marc Maron Guest Hosts The
Sam Seder Show—Svetlana Returns as a Theater Critic; She Reviews
Spring Awakening and Blue Room, and She Disses Nicole
Kidman and Wicked Svetlana’s Social Studies (Iris Bahr) June 18, 2007 Knocked Up on Darfur June 25, 2007 A Mighty Ocean July 2, 2007 Hamas Express July 7, 2007 Kurt Anderson’s Interview
with Svetlana on Studio 360 July 9, 2007 Lewis “Sicko” Libby July 16, 2007 Iraqi Nigiri July 23, 2007 Moishe Potter July 30, 2007 Tofu Forum September 10, 2007 Sammy Unplugged September 17, 2007 General Freebie September 24, 2007 Power Outtage October 1, 2007 Safety School Todd Brad, Policy Analyst (Jim Earl) November 9, 2005 The California Special Election
Important to Governor Schwarzenegger November 30, 2005 President Bush’s Immigration
Proposals Tom Cruise (Mike Leffingwell) April 25, 2006 Tom Can’t Wait to Promote
Mission: Impossib…His Baby Suri May 8, 2006 Tom is Desperate to Repair
His Tarnished Image After Mission: Impossible III Bombed
at the Box Office July 13, 2006 The Reason Why There’s No
Photographs of Suri Cruise: She’s Ugly The War on Brains with Mort Milfington (Jim Earl) June 23, 2004 John Kerry Leads the Attack
Against Bush’s Evil Axis of Faith-Based Reality June 30, 2004 Bush Sidesteps a Law Requiring
That Weapon Systems Be Tested Before They are Deployed July 7, 2004 Teachers Decry the Pathetic
State of Science Education in America Today July 14, 2004 Bush Attacks Condoms and Promotes
Abstinence at the International AIDS Conference in Bangkok July 21, 2004 The Bush Camp Releases a Book
Thanking President Bush for His Policies July 28, 2004 A Newly-Signed Bioterrorism
Bill Features a Provision That Says Bio-Research Facilities Will Get
More Funding by Cutting Funding from Other Bio-Research Facilities August 4, 2004 President Bush Violates Federal
Law to Obstruct Research into Medical Marijuana August 11, 2004 Laura Bush Comes Out Against
Stem Cell Research August 25, 2004 Pope John Paul II Says That
Cloning for Medical Research is an Immoral Act September 1, 2004 The Republican Platform Backs
Bush’s Plan to Stop Funding for Stem Cell Research September 8, 2004 President Bush Blames Our Suck-Ass
Economy on Lawyers and Junk Lawsuits September 15, 2004 The Biological Society of Washington
Publishes a Paper Claiming That All Life was Created by a Spirit in
the Sky or Something September 22, 2004 Americans are Getting Stupider
Every Year September 29, 2004 A New Group Called Scientists
and Engineers for Change Show Their Support for John Kerry by Holding
a Series of Lectures…Oh My God, We’re Doomed! October 6, 2004 You Can’t Use Faulty Data
to Decide the Fate of Public Schools; Mort Sings October 13, 2004 A Paper Published by Two Columbia
University Experts That Promoted the Power of Prayer to Heal the Sick
is Discredited October 20, 2004 A Book Claiming That the Grand
Canyon was Created by Noah’s Flood is Being Sold in National Parks October 27, 2004 Bush’s College Savings Plan
is Designed to Favor Rich Families Over Poor Families November 3, 2004 Post-Election Day Coverage,
or “America, You are an Ass!” November 10, 2004 Parents Take the Atlanta School
Board to Court for Promoting Creationism as Science November 17, 2004 President Bush Plans to Replace
Secretary of Education Rod Paige with Margaret Spellings, a Woman Who
Has No Experience Running a School System November 24, 2004 President Bush Cuts Over $100
Million from the National Science Foundation’s Budget; Mort’s Brother
Mitch Milfington Stops by for Thanksgiving December 7, 2004 The Process Through Which the
Government Receives Scientific Advice to Make Critical Decisions is
in a State of Crisis, and the Amazing Drinking Bird Toy December 14, 2004 Compared with Other Nations,
American Fifteen-Year-Olds Fall Well Below Average When It Comes to
Applying Math Skills to Real-Life Tasks December 28, 2004 Saudi Arabia and Australia
Reject America’s Rejection of the Kyoto Treaty, and a Subtle Allegory
Featuring the American Buffalo January 5, 2005 Kansas’ Supreme Court Rules
That It Must Spend More Money on Its Public Schools January 12, 2005 A School District in Dover,
PA Will Be the First One in America Requiring Biology Teachers to Mention…a
Bunch of HOO HAA! January 19, 2005 The Bush Administration Pressures
the National Academy of Scientists to Release a Report Raising the Allowable
Amount of Rocket Fuel Pollutants in Our Drinking Water to Twenty Times
Its Previous Level January 26, 2005 The White House Eliminates
Funding for the Hubble Space Telescope February 2, 2005 Bush’s 2006 Budget Cuts Include
Cuts to College Access Programs for Poor Kids and Veterans February 9, 2005 Included in Bush’s Budget
is the Complete Elimination of an Indispensable Program for the Treatment
of People with Traumatic Brain Injuries February 16, 2005 Bush’s Budget Slashes America’s
Lead Hazard Reduction Program by $48 Million February 23, 2005 The Bush Administration is
Stifling the Voice of Science March 2, 2005 Three Neocon Christian Groups
Have Filed Suit to Stop California Stem Cell Research Approved by Voters March 16, 2005 The Environmental Protection
Agency Issues Regulations Increasing the Levels of Mercury Permissible
in Air and Water March 16, 2005 Rev. Barry Lynn for The War
on Brains March 23, 2005 The Republican Congress Rams
Through Terri’s Law—Legislation Allowing Terri Schiavo’s Case
to Be Reviewed in the Federal Courts April 6, 2005 The Department of Homeland
Security Awards a No-Bid Contract to Mercyhurst College in Erie, PA—Hometown
of Tom Ridge, Former Secretary of Homeland Security—to Train Intelligence
Personnel April 13, 2005 Stephen L. Johnson, Acting
Administrator of the EPA and Bush Stooge, Cancels the Children’s Environmental
Exposure Research Study, Which Would Have Studied the Effects of Pesticides
on Infants and Babies April 20, 2005 The White House’s Own Energy
Information Administration Releases a Study Directly Refuting Bush’s
Last Remaining Arguments Against Limiting Greenhouse Gases April 27, 2005 The Laredo, TX School District
Files a Lawsuit Over the No Child Left Behind Act, Claiming That the
Unfunded Mandate is a Violation of Federal Law May 4, 2005 Over the Last Few Years the
Alaska Christian College—37 Students Strong—Has Received Over $1
Million in Tax Dollars for the Sole Purpose of Teaching Gullible Coeds
the Story of Jesus Christ and Br’er Rabbit or Whatever the Hell the
Resurrection Story is About May 11, 2005 The Kansas State Board of Education
Holds Hearings to Decide If They Should Take Evolution from Their Stat’s
Curriculum and Replace It with the Intellectual Equivalent of Hop on
Pop, Plus Jim Earl and the Five W’s (Plus Three!) on the Teachers
Strike Downstairs May 18, 2005 “Bleeding Idiot” Kansas
Considers Redefining the Accepted Definition of Science to Include Spiritual
Crap, Plus Jim Earl and the Five W’s (Plus Three!) on the Gates Around
Washington Square Park May 25, 2005 Southwestern Regional Director
of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Bush Lackey Dale Hall Orders
Biologists in His Agency to Not Use Modern Science June 1, 2005 The Oregon State Senate Rejects
a Bill That Would have Made It Legal for Reformed Ex-Prostitutes to
Become Teachers June 8, 2005 Retarded Jerkules Arnold Schwarzenegger
Announces That He Wants to Reduce California’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by 80%...Over the Next Fifty Years! June 15, 2005 The American Association of
University Professors Votes to Censure Three Colleges for Violating
the Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure June 22, 2005 According to The New York
Times, Phillip Cooney—Chief of Staff for the Council on Environmental
Quality—Repeatedly Altered Scientific Government Reports on Global
Warm…Hey, is That a Puppy? June 29, 2005 The Department of Defense Announces
Plans to Collect Personal Information on 16 to 18-Year-Olds for an Army
Recruitment Database, and Mort Pays Tribute to The Music Man July 6, 2005 According to the Federal Information
Security Oversight Office, Government Secrecy in America Has Reached
a Historic High July 13, 2005 Congressman Arlen Specter Holds
a Hearing on Lifting Bush’s Restrictions on Stem Cell Research July 20, 2005 Republican Congressmen Joe
Barton and Ed Whitfield Threaten Scientists to Change Their Findings
on Global Warming to Please the Bush Administration August 3, 2005 Bush Tells Texas Newspapers
That Students Should Be Exposed to “Different Ideas” August 10, 2005 The American Bar Association
Fully Accredits the Ava Maria School of Law, a Roman Catholic College
Opened by the Founder of Dominos Pizza August 17, 2005 The White House Rebukes the
National Science Board’s Recommendation That a Special Commission
Be Set Up to Improve Science Education August 24, 2005 Connecticut Sues Over the Illegal,
Unfunded Mandate That is No Child Left Behind August 24, 2005 Morning Sedition Promo September 21, 2005 The Justice Department Tries
to Find a Way to Blame Environmentalists for the Flooding in New Orleans September 28, 2005 Facing Fuel Shortages, Georgia
and Kentucky Close Their Schools October 5, 2005 Harriet Miers, a Corporate
Lawyer with No Judicial Experience, is Chosen for the Supreme Court
by President Bush, a Corporate Whore with No Presidential Experience October 19, 2005 A Lehigh University Professor
Testifies in Court Against Evolution and in Favor of Intelligent Design,
and Jim’s Looking for an Apartment in the Park Slope Area November 2, 2005 According to the American Association
of Community Colleges, the Department of Homeland Security is Not Supplying
Enough Funds to Train Our First Responders November 16, 2005 Jim Earl Radio Theater:
Sammy the Stem Cell Kills Mort Milfington and Takes Over The War
on Brains December 13, 2005 …and Curtain! March 9, 2006 President Bush Calls for the
Training and Recruitment of 100,000 Math and Science Professionals to
Help Out in School Classrooms, but Cuts $12.7 Billion from the Education
Budget March 9, 2006 Marc Maron Show Promo April 10, 2006 In a Heinous Violation of the
Separation of Church and State, Georgia is About to Become the First
State to Use the Bible as a Textbook in Public Schools May 26, 2006 According to the Union of Concerned
Scientists, America’s Aging Fleet of 505,000 School Buses are the
Dirtiest Vehicles on the Road June 30, 2006 The Republican-Controlled House
of Representatives Moves to Life the Ban on Off-Shore Oil Drilling Wheel of Anger (Jim Earl) March 9, 2006 Fred Phelps, the Westboro Baptist
Church, and Christianity March 16, 2006 Old People Feeding the Birds
Wonderbread March 23, 2006 The Birth Rate March 30, 2006 Parking April 5, 2006 Fat Babies April 12, 2006 Passover, Laurie David and
Global Warming April 21, 2006 Time April 27, 2006 People Who Drive While Talking
on Their Cellphones May 5, 2006 Why Isn’t Dick Cheney Dead
Yet? May 11, 2006 Singing the National Anthem
in Spanish May 22, 2006 The 9/11 Memorial, John McCain,
and Chinese-Made Trowels June 2, 2006 Smokers, Humvees, and Albuquerque
Diaper Headsman Connector June 8, 2006 Car Alarms, Aimee Semple McPherson
and the Foursquare Gospel Church June 22, 2006 The War on Drugs and America’s
Got Talent June 29, 2006 Modern Art; Jim Plagiarizes
Andy Rooney’s 60 Minutes Commentary July 6, 2006 Cat Vomit and the DMV July 12, 2006 Jim’s Ass William from Chappaqua / Bill from Harlem (Kent Jones
& Brendan McDonald) April 13, 2004 William from Chappaqua Calls
Morning Sedition, and Reads an Excerpt from His Book My Life April 14, 2004 William Calls Morning Sedition
Again, and Reads the Same Excerpt from His Book April 27, 2004 William from Chappaqua Calls
to Read Another Excerpt from His Book, and Gets Interrupted by Bill
from Harlem; They Explain Their Unique Relationship April 28, 2004 William and Bill Discuss Their
Book Tour, Breakfast, Hillary, and Their Plans for the Day May 4, 2004 William and Bill Talk About
George W. Bush’s “Yes, America Can” Bus Tour and Their Relationship
with Hillary May 5, 2004 William’s Keeping Late Hours
to Finish Their Book While Bill’s Out Having Fun May 12, 2004 William Finishes the Book,
and Bill’s Ready to Party May 13, 2004 William’s Ready to Get Out
of “Writer’s Jail,” and Bill’s Ready to Pick Him Up May 21, 2004 William Prepares to Give a
Speech at the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics at the University
of Kansas, and Bill Prepares to Check Out All of the Sororities May 24, 2004 William and Bill Respond to
the Story That Hillary Helped with the Fact-Checking for Their Book May 25, 2004 William is Lonely Up in Chappaqua,
and Bill’s Taking the Time to Check Out the “Emerging Talent” May 28, 2004 William and Bill Look for an
Apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Which is Close to the
Intelligent, Progressive Community…and Columbia University June 4, 2004 William Checks in from the
Book Tour, and Bill Checks in from the Barbra Streisand Compound June 9, 2004 William and Bill Respond to
Not Being Asked to Speak at Ronald Reagan’s Funeral June 14, 2004 William and Bill Prepare to
Visit the White House for the Unveiling of Their Official Portrait June 18, 2004 William and Bill Discuss Their
Marriage and Their Upcoming 60 Minutes Appearance June 21, 2004 William and Bill on Their
60 Minutes Appearance, and How They Spent Most of Their Time to
Sell Their Book June 22, 2004 William and Bill Respond to
the Negative Reviews for Their Book and Monica Lewinsky July 15, 2004 William and Bill Respond to
the Story That Jenna Bush Will Be Teaching in Harlem July 26, 2004 William and Bill Call from
the Democratic National Convention in Boston—William’s Writing His
Speech, and Bill’s Preparing His Lines for the College Girls July 27, 2004 Morning Sedition Intern
Jesse Encounters Bill from Harlem While Covering the DNC in Boston…from
New York City September 7, 2004 William from Chappaqua Returns
Following Open Heart Surgery, but Bill from Harlem May Cause Them to
Flatline Other April 20, 2005 A Secret Recording of the Papal
Conclave of 2005 Electing the New Pope! |